Located far from any airport or large city, Denali is a wilderness park. Reaching the park can take several hours (or even most of a day), so we recommend that you plan a minimum itinerary of 2 nights in the area, which gives you one full day and part of two others.
The suggested activities (below, separated by day) are the highlights of a visit. Day 1 and Day 3 could be easily swapped with each other, but we suggest Day 2 should be dedicated to a sight-seeing trip by bus along the sole park road.
Which Bus Do I Choose?
Day 2 of this itinerary suggests a bus trip of some kind. There are many options; the table below will help you decide whether a shuttle bus or tour bus is best for you.
Bus type | I want to hike or camp | I want to learn about the park |
I want to maximize my chances to see wildlife | Round Trip Duration |
Natural History Tour | No | Yes | No; wildlife viewing may occur, but chances are slimmer than with other trips | 4.5 hours |
Tundra Wilderness Tour | No | Yes | Yes | 8 hours |
Kantishna Experience Tour | No | Yes | Yes | 12 hours |
Shuttle Bus | Yes; passengers may disembark to day hike | No; drivers are not required to narrate | Yes; the longer the shuttle trip, the better your odds of seeing wildlife | Several choices, ranging from 6 to 12 hours |
Camper Bus | Yes; only passengers camping or backpacking in the park can use this bus | No | Varies depending on how long you spend on the bus before disembarking to camp. | Variable |
Additional trip-planning resources: