"By forces seemingly antagonistic and destructive Nature accomplishes her beneficent designs, now a flood of fire, again in the fullness of time an outburst of organic life... " — John Muir
The National Park Service manages wildland fire to protect the public; park communities and infrastructure; conserve natural and cultural resources; and maintain and restore natural ecosystem processes.
Looking for current fire information from the parks? Visit our Wildland Fire News page for resources.

Policies, regulations, and guidelines affecting wildland fire in the national parks.

Explore photos that reveal parks transformation over nearly 80 years!
Stories and ArticlesHistoric Wildland Fires
Every fire that has occurred on NPS land, including the Yellowstone fires of 1988, has a lesson to teach.
Learn How You CanWork in Wildland Fire
Prescribed fire helps preserve natural habitats, maintain historic landscapes, control invasive species, and reduce catastrophic fires.
Our #1 PriorityWildland Fire Safety
Learn about wildland fire safety for park visitors and employees.
Last updated: July 21, 2022