Date: December 7, 2016
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (National Lakeshore) is happy to announce the winner and runner-up of the kids’ artwork contest. The contest was open from August through October for anyone 12 years of age or younger. A total of 119 entries from young artists living in Michigan were received at park headquarters in Empire, Michigan. The National Lakeshore sponsored the contest in continued celebration of the “Every Kid in a Park” program and to select an image for the front of the park’s 2017 Annual Park Entrance Pass. Engaging with the youth of America is the central goal and theme of the “Every Kid in a Park” program. The National Lakeshore would like to thank all of the participants who dedicated creative time and energies to submit a piece of artwork for this contest.
Judges for the artwork contest consisted of impartial member’s from the park staff. The quality of the artwork was excellent and the panel of judges had a very difficult time coming to a final decision. After a long deliberation, a color drawing produced by Luke Gallagher, 5th grader at St. Mary’s School in Lake Leelanau, Michigan, was selected as the winner. Luke’s drawing depicts the covered bridge that is located along the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive in the park. Runner-up went to Fiona Moord, 5th grader from Leland Public School in Leland, Michigan. Fiona’s color drawing depicts a beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan. Both Luke and Fiona will receive a selection of gifts from the park’s bookstore, sponsored by the park’s cooperating association, Eastern National. Luke will also receive an Annual Park Entrance Pass that proudly displays his artwork on the front. The pass will allow Luke and his family to enjoy the National Lakeshore for free for the next 12 months.
Every year, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore sells over 11,000 Annual Park Entrance Passes through the fee collection stations located across the park. The pass provides free entry for 12 months for the pass holder and occupants in a single, private non-commercial vehicle. If entry is by foot, bicycle, or organized group not part of a commercial tour, the pass admits the pass holder and three adults (16 years of age or older). Children under 16 are admitted free. The cost for the Annual Park Entrance Pass is $30.