
Let the Adventure Begin!

For almost 30 years, Saguaro National Park has been engaging students in a variety of natural and cultural curriculum-based educational opportunities. Through our guided field trips or ranger visits to classrooms or virtual programming to anywhere in the world, students everywhere can experience the beauty and diversity of the Sonoran Desert.


Education Programs

  • Volunteer leads 3rd grads students on hike.
    Plan a Field Trip

    Saguaro National Park offers a variety of opportunities for students to experience an educational program in an outdoor setting.

  • Ranger presenting to classroom of 4th graders
    Plan a Classroom Visit

    Have Saguaro National Park come to you! Invite a ranger to your classroom to present a nature or history-based program.

  • Ranger Hat on laptop screen with desert background
    Virtual Programs

    Invite a ranger to your classroom anywhere in the world.

  • Young saguaro growing up through dead saguaro ribs.
    Use Curriculum Materials

    Find inspiring ways to connect students to the science, research and history of the park.

  • Interns and Volunteers prepare for a field trip.
    Professional Development

    Stretch your comfort zone and broaden your mind in many of our professional development opportunities.

  • Tent in desert during golden hour
    Youth Camps

    Opportunities for youth to explore wilderness and learn stewardship.

handwritten note from a child to "Dear Rangers" laid on top of a type-written letter from a teacher

Student Letters

Got a curious kid or a class project? Write to our team of educators!

Saguaro Education
2700 North Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743

Or, email us to find out more.

Last updated: January 8, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

3693 S Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85730


520 733-5153

Contact Us