Field Trip - Geology Mystery

large rock formation with stripes of minerals

Program Content

Uncover the geologic mystery within the Rincon and Tucson Mountains and the powerful forces that made it happen.


Planning Your Field Trip

Where does it take place?

  • East district - Javelina Picnic Area

How many students can attend?

  • Maximum group size: 30

How long is it?

  • 2 1/2 hours

What about transportation?

If you need financial support for your transportation, the Friends of Saguaro National Park can help! Title 1 schools from the Tucson area can request a subsidy of us to $250. Schedule the bus through your district transportation office. After your field trip is complete, have your transportation department send the invoice to Environmental Education at 2700 N Kinney Rd. Tucson, AZ 85743 to apply for the transportation subsidy. If transportation requires more than 1 bus to accommodate your students, please let us know in advance of your trip.


Before Your Field Trip

Take a look at Saguaro's Geology Video Tour. You can follow along in your classroom, using the videos and supporting pages, or you can do the tour on site in your bus.

Getting To Your Field Trip

map of Saguaro east district with route and location of Javelina Picnic Area
  • Follow local directions to the Rincon Mountain Visitor Center at 3693 Old Spanish Trail.
  • Proceed through the fee booth.
  • Turn right where the loop begins. (If you turn left, you'll be on a one-way road for at least 40 minutes before you can turn into the picnic area!)
  • Follow the two-way road to its end at the Javelina Picnic Area.
  • Go all the way around the circle and park the bus facing out at the coned area.

Last updated: November 8, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

3693 S Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85730


520 733-5153

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