Around the Horn Blog

Aerial View of Maritime Park
An aerial view of all of San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park showing Hyde Street Pier and historic ships, scow schooner Alma, the Small Boat Dock, tugboat Hercules, ferryboat Eureka, tall ship Balclutha, paddle wheel tugboat Eppleton Hall, and schooner C. A. Thayer. The aerial photo also shows other areas of the park including the Visitor Center and Argonaut Hotel in the old Delmonte Cannery, Victorian Park, and the Aquatic Park Bathhouse and Cove.



About This Blog

Through Around the Horn, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park hopes to keep visitors informed on projects that might impact their voyage and enlightened by stories from our past. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey!

The Human Stories of Dock Labor - Part 1

May 08, 2020 Posted by: Peter Kasin

This is the first blog in a series called "The Human Stories of Dock Labor." We will look at United States dock labor history through books that are in the park's Maritime Research Center collection. The first book we'll look at is Shape-up and Hiring Hall; a Comparison of Hiring Methods and Labor relations on the New York and Seattle Water Fronts by Charles P. Larrowe.


The Steam Chimney: A Maritime Research Blog

April 27, 2020 Posted by: Christopher Edwards

Though the name and use of Steam Chimneys appear to have fallen out of use, they are not the only things to have had their names fall out of favor and disappear. Donkey pumps, for example, are almost unheard of unless you use the modern term “general service pump.” Now, though, we know what this piece of equipment was for and what it was called when it was utilized onboard the walking beam engine Ferryboat Eureka.


Last updated: December 10, 2020

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