Basic Information

GIS Data and Information

For Geographic Information System data regarding the Pony Express National Historic Trail, please visit the Resource Information Management page of the National Trails office website.


Trail sites are located across 1,800 miles and 8 states. The Trail is administered by the NPS office located at:

Many people gather around a grey wooden cabin surrounded by green shrubs and trees with mountains in the background.
National Pony Express Association riders greet visitors at a reconstructed Pony Express station at This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Trail Administration

The Pony Express National Historic Trail (NHT) was designated by Congress in 1992 and is administered by the National Park Service as a component of the National Trails System. Despite the name, the Pony Express NHT is not a continuous traditional trail from end to end, but consists of many trail traces, structures, graves, landmarks, and markers left on the landscape to remind us that the trail still lives on.Trail sites are in private, municipal, tribal, federal, or state ownership. Please ask for permission before visiting any trail sites on private lands and check with public sites for visiting hours and regulations.

Protect the Trail

To foster trail preservation, do not use metal detectors, dig at sites, collect artifacts, or remove anything. Please respect these historic places.


More Trip Planning Information:

Last updated: March 19, 2020

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

National Trails Regions 6|7|8
Pony Express National Historic Trail
1100 Old Santa Fe Trail

Santa Fe, NM 87505

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