Last updated: April 18, 2024
The Cypress Tree Tunnel

NPS/A. Kopshever
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Planted around 1930, the Monterey cypress trees that now create the "tree tunnel" at the Point Reyes Receiving Station is a signature landscape feature that evokes some of the prestige that the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) placed in the profitable, historic operation of the KPH Maritime Radio Receiving Station. Monterey Cypress is one of the few tree species adaptable to the wind and ocean weather conditions of Point Reyes.
The white Art Deco-style station at the end of the tree tunnel was built between 1929 and 1931. For most of the 20th century, it provided ship to shore communications. This is where men—and some women—had stood watch over the airwaves on shore and at sea.
Once, our coasts were dotted with great Morse code radio stations, all communicating with ships at sea. They're all gone now...all except this one, the one they called the Wireless Giant of the Pacific, located at Point Reyes.
Visiting the Tree Tunnel
The "Tree Tunnel" is located at what is now Point Reyes National Seashore's North District Operations Center. Look for signs for "North District Operations Center" on the road out to the lighthouse.
Parking is on the shoulder of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Pull off of the road completely to not block traffic.
The nearest restroom facilities are located at the Estero Trailhead and at North Beach.
Visit Point Reyes National Seashore's Historic KPH Maritime Radio Receiving Station and Cypress Tree Tunnel page for more details, including information about getting a tour of the Historic KPH Receiving Station.