News Release

Pecos National Historical Park Closes Visitor Center

The visitor center with blue sky and clouds overhead.
E.E. Fogelson Visitor Center

NPS Photo/Stan Ford 2016

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News Release Date: March 17, 2020

Contact: Visitor Center, 505-757-7241

Pecos, NM:  To protect public health and slow the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus, the National Park Service has closed the Pecos National Historical Park Visitor Center and suspended all ranger-led programs. The park trails remain open and park staff are onsite to provide visitors information.


These actions have been taken based on the best available medical advice to limit gatherings to no more than ten people and to promote social distancing.


While outdoor spaces, like park trails, are believed to be safer than indoor spaces, visitors are urged to take the precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For tips from the CDC on preventing illnesses like the coronavirus, go to:


The National Park Service is actively monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus and is consulting with relevant federal, state and local authorities, including the CDC, to get the most up to date information needed to protect the health of our visitors, volunteers, and employees.


For more information about the park in general, contact Pecos NHP at (505) 757-7241 or visit our website at You will also find our listings on the New Mexico True website ( and Tourism Santa Fe ( Please like on us on Facebook at or Instagram (


From I-25 N: Take the Pecos/Glorieta Exit, #299. Left onto overpass, right onto Route 50; proceed on Route 50 for eight miles. At the village of Pecos, take a right at the four-way stop onto Route 63. In two miles, the park will be on your right. From I-25 S: Take the Rowe Exit, #307. Follow signs. From Highway 63, the park will be on your left.

Last updated: March 17, 2020

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Mailing Address:

Pecos National Historical Park
P.O. Box 418

Pecos, NM 87552


505 757-7241

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