A queen butterfly feeds on a Padre Island mistflower. This plant is a major nectar source for many pollinators on Padre Island. Photo courtesy of Marian McNabb
The butterfly checklist below is current as of May 30, 2003 with 3 newly discovered species listed as numbers 40-42. Several species have been identified as new county records for Kleberg and Kenedy counties. Except as noted, each of the following butterfly species has been field identified and the park’s Resource Management division has a male and female of each species in its collection. Because field identification is sometimes difficult, a second source is verifying the identity of each species. Once the park’s butterfly study has been completed, a digital field guide of Padre Island butterflies will be available to the public. Note that the name of the park’s most common Buckeye (J. evarete) has been changed from Mangrove Buckeye (genoveva) to Tropical Buckeye (evarete) due to recent corrections in the taxonomic literature.
Chioides albofasciatus –White-striped Longtail
Urbanus proteus - Common Longtail
Urbanus dorantes –Dorantes Longtail
Urbanus procne –Brown Longtail
Pholisora catullus –Common Sootywing
Erynnis horatius - Horaces Duskywing
Erynnis tristis tatius –Mournful Duskywing
Erynnis funeralis –Funereal Duskywing
Eantis tamemund –Sickle-winged Skipper
Pyrgus communis –Checkered Skipper
Heliopetes macaira –Turk's Cap White-skipper
Heliopetes laviana –Laviana White-skipper
Copaeodes minimus –Southern Skipperling
Panoquina panaquinoides - Obscure Skipper
Panoquina ocola - Ocola Skipper
Amblyscirtes celia - Celia's Roadside Skipper
Lerodea eufala - Eufala Skipper
Lerema accias –Clouded Skipper
Hylephila phyleus - Fiery Skipper
Polites vibex praeceps –South Texas Whirlabout
Wallengrenia otho clavus - Tropical Broken Dash
Battus philenor - Pipevine Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes –Black Swallowtail
Heraclides cresphontes - Giant Swallowtail
Kricogonia lyside –Lyside Sulphur
Nathalis iole - Dainty Sulfur
Abaeis nicippe –Sleepy Orange
Pyrisitia lisa centralis –Little Yellow
Colias eurytheme - Orange Sulfur
Zerene cesonia - Southern Dogface
Phoebis sennae –Cloudless Sulfur
Phoebis sennae marcellina (winter form) Marcellina Cloudless
Phoebis agarithe - Large Orange Sulfur
Pontia protodice - Checkered White
Ascia monuste - Great Southern White
Ministrymon clytie –Clytie Ministreak
Calycopis isobeon –Dusky Blue Groundstreak
Strymon melinus –Gray Hairstreak
Strymon rufofusca –Red Crescent Scrub Hairstreak
Strymon istapa - Istapa Hairstreak
Leptotes cassius - Cassius Blue
Leptotes marina - Marine Blue
Brephidium exilis –W. Pygmy Blue
Hemiargus ceraunus astenidas –Ceraunus Blue
Echinargus isola - Reakirts Blue
Libytheana carinenta larvata –Texas Snout
Libytheana carinenta mexicana –Mexican Snout
Danaus plexippus - Monarch
Danaus eresimus montezuma –Soldier
Danaus gilippus - Queen
Agraulis vanillae incarnata –Western Gulf Fritillary
Euptoitea claudia - Variegated Fritillary
Mestra amymone –Common Mestra
Vanessa virginiensis - American Lady
Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady
Anartia jatrophae luteipicta –White Peacock
Junonia evarete –Tropical Buckeye
Junonia evarete nigrosuffusa –Dark Tropical Buckeye
Junonia genoveva –Mangrove Buckeye
Junonia coenia –Common Buckeye
Chlosyne lacinia ajutrix –Bordered Patch
Phyciodes phaon - Phaon Crescent
Phyciodes tharos - Pearl Crescent
Anaea aidea –Tropical Leafwing
Source: C. Sassine –Division of Science and Resources Management
Datana diffidens
Ascalapha odorata –Black Witch
Thysania zenobia –Owl Moth
Sphingicampa heiligbrodti –Honey Mesquite Moth
Hyles lineata –White-lined Sphinx
Manduca quinquemaculata –Five-spotted Hawkmoth
Manduca sexta –Carolina Sphinx
Eumorpha fasciatus –Banded Sphinx Moth
Xylophanes tersa –Tersa Sphinx Moth
Errinyis ello –Ello Sphinx
Agrias cingulata –Pink-spotted Hawkmoth
Aellopos clavipes –Clavipes Sphinx
Estigmene acrea –Salt Marsh Moth
Melanchroia chephise –White-tipped Black Moth
Prionoxystus robiniae –Carpenter Moth
Utetheisa ornatrix –Bella Moth
Horama panthalon –Texas Wasp Moth
Source: C. Sassine –Division of Science and Resources Management
For more information on butterflies and moths in south Texas, please follow either of the two links below:
University of Texas
Butterflies and Moths.org