Chronicles of ISB

Noteworthy cases and events from the NPS Investigative Services Branch through the years

Do you remember the NPS Morning Report? It was a widely-read daily blotter of noteworthy incidents and events across the National Park System. After nearly 30 years of publication, the last edition of the Morning Report appeared on August 31, 2015. 

Though the Morning Report is gone, its content is not forgotten. We have collected entries and other updates about our cases through the years - just click the links in the box.  

Be sure to catch current news from the Special Agents of the NPS Investigative Services Branch on our News Feed and social media sites. 

Find NPS news and events at, a site that includes an aggregated list of news releases from across the service. You can search for news by date, park, organization, and national releases. You can also subscribe to receive news direct to your email inbox.


Last updated: November 29, 2021