Local Tour Route Sign

Local Tour Route banner

The local tour route sign is intended to mark a road route that will take visitors to a number of historic trail sites or segments. See figure below for an example of how a local tour concept works. The local tour functions similar to the auto tour route with the principle difference being the local tour route usually follows a number of local low speed, rural, or even dirt roads. The primary consideration for development of a local tour is when a number of historic trail sites or segments exist in a relatively small geographical area, and signing each of the sites separately would become difficult and confusing.

Considering a Local Tour Route

  • Identify a beginning point (a trailhead) to provide road signs that direct the traveling public to start the tour.

  • Provide a basic level of orientation at this starting point that includes a map, information about what to see and do on the local tour, and the length of the route.

  • Consider sufficient facilities to accommodate the public, i.e. safe parking off of the road, a site identification sign, and some level of interpretation (outdoor exhibits).*

  • If signing will be provided on public roads, obtain landowner’s permission to allow access to the general public.

*Signage and interpretation go hand-in-hand. A site that has historical significance — where you want to erect a sign — will also need interpretation, usually in the form of outdoor exhibit(s).

conceptual brochure with black title bar at top, local tour concept in gray bar at bottom, directional map and tour requirements in the center

Last updated: February 6, 2020