News Release

Obed Launches a River Cleanup Volunteer Program

Paddlers putting in on the water


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News Release Date: March 31, 2022

Contact: Effie Houston, 423-569-9778

Obed Wild & Scenic River is initiating a new volunteer program this year for river cleanup.

“The Obed River Otter program is a volunteer partnership for people who love the park’s streams and want to help take care of them,” said Superintendent Niki Stephanie Nicholas.

The goal of the program is to provide an extended presence in the park while providing Obed staff with assistance in keeping the waterways clean of debris.

The River Otters will be expected to paddle their adopted section of stream at least two times during the calendar year. They also report on overall conditions, pick up any trash, and submit a report after each visit. River Otters will collect trash and deposit it at designated locations for pick up by staff. No motorized equipment is allowed.

River/stream sections available to adopt:

  1. Barnett Bridge to Jett Bridge (5 miles)
  2. Jett Bridge to Lilly Bridge (2 miles)
  3. Lilly Bridge to Clear Creek Confluence (2 miles)
  4. Bice Creek to Barnett Bridge (overnight trip, 19 miles)
  5. Devil’s Breakfast Table to Obed Junction (2 miles)
  6. Obed Junction to Clear Creek Confluence (4 miles)
  7. Adams Bridge to Potters Ford (4 miles)
  8. Potters Ford to Obed Junction (12 miles)

To learn more about the Obed River Otter program, email the park’s volunteer coordinator at e-mail us or call (423) 569-9778.

Last updated: March 31, 2022

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