George Dagley, Jr., to be Featured at Memories of the Obed on Saturday, February 14

George Dagley Memories Picture

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News Release Date: January 27, 2015

Contact: Veronica Greear, 423-346-6294

Contact: Matt Hudson, 423-346-6294

The Obed Wild and Scenic River will be hosting a Memories of the Obed program on Saturday, February 14, at 2:00 p.m. (EST). This free program will be held inside the Obed Visitor Center, located at 208 North Maiden Street in downtown Wartburg, and is part of a series of regular programs that explores the unique river-related memories of local individuals. Each month a different speaker shares their memories of life in the vicinity of the river.

George Dagley, Jr., hometown local and World War II veteran, will be our featured Memories guest. Mr. Dagley is the son of George Dagley, Sr., who was the Morgan County mayor during the 1930s. Memories to be shared include a glimpse of life in Wartburg during the 1930s, including childhood adventures at Potters Falls, school times and his experiences during wartime. No reservations are required to attend this free program.

Please contact the park at (423) 346-6294 for further details and information.

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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