Contact: Kerry Olson, 360 854-7302
Overview: Fourteen fires ranging in size from a single tree to 400 acres have been burning in the North Cascades National Park Complex since late June. All were started by lightning. The total acreage for all fires combined is over 800 acres. Six of these fires are being suppressed to protect the public and infrastructure in the area. The other eight fires are being allowed to burn because they pose no threat to Park facilities or adjacent resources, or are not safe for firefighters. Current Situation: A new fire, the Airport View fire, was discovered on Thursday afternoon, after a lightning storm. It is located in Company Creek, above the Stehekin Airstrip. Four firefighters from the Park and one firefighter from the Stehekin Fire District hiked into this small spot fire and suppressed it. The Brush Creek fire is 219 acres. There is a small spot fire north of the main fire, closer to the mouth of Brush Creek. The Brush Creek fire is still burning within parameters established by fire managers. The other two larger fires that are still burning, the Panther and Elija fires, 220 and 400 acres respectively, have not shown any recent increased growth. However, both fires continue to smolder and smoke. Conditions and Fuels: Fires are burning in fire adapted ecosystems. Fires are in subalpine and mixed conifer forests. Weather and Fire Behavior: Cooler and wetter weather through the weekend, with possible warming after the middle of the week. Resources Assigned to the Fires: TRAIL CLOSURES: The following trails are CLOSED, until further notice. HIGHWAY 20 is open. Park visitor facilities have not been affected by the fires, except for the trail closures.[ |
Last updated: August 11, 2017