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Contact: Jon Riedel, 360 854-7330
A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been signed for the minimization of erosion on the Upper Company Creek Road in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. The National Park Service has began to construct four rock bank barbs, place large woody debris between the barbs and densely plant native vegetation along approximately 500 linear feet of shoreline. The purpose of this action is to minimize the risk of flood scouring and river erosion on the Upper Company Creek Road while protecting the natural resources, ecosystem functions and aesthetic qualities of the Stehekin River. Action is needed because the Stehekin River now floods with much greater frequency and intensity than in years past. There have been three floods of magnitude equal or greater to a 100-year event in the last twelve years. These floods have caused river conditions to change substantially in the vicinity of the Upper Company Creek Road. The riverbed has aggraded 3-4 feet, the shoreline has eroded substantially toward the road and massive log jams have formed, causing patterns of flow to shift substantially, especially during floods. These circumstances present an unacceptable risk of further flood damage to the road. The FONSI can be viewed on-line at the National Park Service Planning Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website ( Select "Minimize Erosion on the Upper Company Creek Road," then "Document List," and "Finding of No Significant Impact." A paper copy of the FONSI can be requested by writing to: Superintendent, North Cascades National Park, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284, or e-mailing |
Last updated: February 28, 2015