Contact: Robin Snyder, 304-640-0724
Glen Jean, West Virginia,September 29, 2014–Two railroad cars derailed from the CSX line off of Fayette Station Road on Fridayevening, just after10:00 PM. The location of the derailment is river right, just above the Fayette Station Rapids. The cars landed in the river, along the water's edge, spilling soybeans primarily on the banks of the New River. There were no injuries as a result of this accident. Visitors and travelers along Fayette Station should proceed with caution over the next week during the clean-up of the derailment. Heavy equipment and trucks will be traveling through the area to clean up the spilled soy beans and the railroad cars. Those traveling Fayette Station may expect minor delays. For questions, please contact Robin Snyder at 304-640-0724. Park updates will be posted to the park's website at You can also find updates on the park's Facebook page at |
Last updated: February 26, 2015