News Release

New Fishing Line Receptacles at Popular River Access Points Along NRGNPP and Gauley River NRA

two women standing in front of park sign with fishing line receptacle
Friends of NRGNPP member Missy McCune (pictured left) and NRGNPP American Conservation Experience Intern Natalie Sacco coordinated the project for the Friends and the park.

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News Release Date: October 17, 2023

Contact: Eve West, 304-719-6364

Glen Jean, W.Va. — Nine popular fishing spots along the New and Gauley River now have a special place established for anglers to dispose of fishing line, courtesy of the Friends of New River Gorge National Park and Preserve (Friends). The receptacles are mounted on signs and fence posts in convenient locations that are visible and easy to access.  


Fishing line discarded along riverbanks and gravel bars can be especially harmful to birds, mammals, and aquatic wildlife, which can become entangled. Monofilament line material is also often made from nylon, polyethylene, or polypropylene, and does not naturally degrade, remaining in the environment for decades.  


The receptacle project was funded by the Friends group, a philanthropic partner of the park, who provided construction materials and handmade each unit out of PVC pipe. New River staff selected locations and mounted the receptacles. The Friends will be maintaining each unit and handling recycling of the monofilament line at all nine locations.   


“We are very grateful to the Friends group for seeing this project through,” said New River Gorge National Park and Preserve Superintendent Charles Sellars. “Anglers, like outdoor sports enthusiasts, care for and want to protect the resource and this will make it that much easier for them to do so.”  


The nine locations where receptacles are located include Gauley Tailwaters, Fayette Station, Sandstone Falls (two locations) McCreery, Glade Creek, Grandview Sandbar, Stone Cliff, and Camp Brookside. More locations will be established as volunteers become available to maintain the sites.   


To stay current on activities, trail closures, and other alerts in the park, visit the park website at and follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  

Last updated: October 17, 2023

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