

Scouts standing behind trash bags
A troop of Cub Scouts removed more than 130 lbs. of trash during a volunteer service project with Mojave National Preserve.

NPS photo

Volunteer logo with NPS arrowhead
Volunteer patch


Mojave National Preserve benefits from a productive volunteer program. Through volunteering at Mojave, enthusiastic individuals or couples can become involved in a wide variety of activities and projects.

Mojave offers numberous volunteer opportunites. Desert Rovers staff the Visitor Center, answer visitor questions, provide orientation, hand out Junior Ranger books and badges, and rove trails. Other volunteer opportunities are listed below.

Because Mojave is not near large population centers, some volunteers stay for two to three months or longer. Mojave also hosts one-day projects such as clean up days, revegitation and invasive species projects, and trail maintence work. Please contact us at e-mail us if your group, Scouts or other organization would like to volunteer at the Preserve.

Typical volunteer positions include:

  • Working as campground hosts.
  • Staffing visitor center information desks, writing articles and taking photos for the website and brochures.
  • Assisting in routine repairs and upkeep to buildings, utilities, and trails.
  • Assisting with wildlife camera monitoring projects, spring surveys, cultural resource assessments, exotic weed identification and removal, litter removal, installing wilderness boundary markers, and documenting backcountry campsite locations.

Housing options for volunteers working 32 hours (typically four days-per week):

  • Dry, partial hook-up, or full hook-up campsites. The park pays propane costs for campers in dry or partial hook-up campsites.
  • Shared co-ed housing in a dormitory or shared house is sometimes available.

Shirts, jackets, and hats provided.

Living at Mojave
Traveling to town for groceries or medical appointments is a two to three hour round-trip journey. There are no stores, gas stations, motels, or other services in the park. But for those able to make that commitment, we offer wide open spaces, few signs of civilization, friendly park staff, spectacular night skies often filled with coyote song, and a variety of work that will keep you busy and fulfilled.


Current Volunteer Opportunities

Visit our current postings on Volunteer.Gov

Cima Dome Joshua Tree Restoration

Come help plant new Joshua tree seedlings, or adopt a few of them for watering and monitoring.

Please visit Cima Dome Restoration Page for registration and details


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Volunteers work on restoring a rock wall on an old cabin site with a tall mountain in the background
Volunteers help restore a structure in the historic ghost town of Providence

Cornerstones Community Partnerships

Upcoming Volunteer Service Events at Mojave National Preserve

Whether its helping wildlife biologists refill guzzlers, repairing historic structures, surveying archeological resource, or revegetating burned areas, join Mojave National Preserve staff and partners in helping out to 'preserve the Preserve.'

Last updated: July 25, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2701 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311


(760) 252-6100
For emergencies including vehicle breakdowns, dial 911

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