Montezuma Well to Host Centennial BioBlitz

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Date: April 13, 2016
Contact: Caleb Kesler, 928-567-5276 x 222

To celebrate 100 years of stewardship, the National Park Service is planning a shared nation-wide quest to discover and document biodiversity.  You are invited to be a part of the celebration as Montezuma Well hosts a BioBlitz on Saturday, May 21, 2016.

The Montezuma Well BioBlitz will focus on collecting and identifying invertebrates.  Invertebrates can be anything from spiders and butterflies to aquatic dwellers such as snails.  Collected data from concurrent BioBlitzes will be gathered and broadcast at the Biodiversity Festival on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Montezuma Well is looking for several volunteers ages 14 and up to join us as citizen scientists in the Blitz!  Volunteers will be divided into teams of five and guided by researched and park rangers.  Each team will try to collect and identify as many species as possible.  Volunteers can choose to collect water dwellers or stay on dry land.  Volunteers can sign up for a morning session from 9am to 12pm or an afternoon session from 1pm to 4pm.  Reservations will be accepted from April 20th through May 14th on a first-come, first serve basis.  To sign up, visit and search for Montezuma Well to register.  An informational packet with what to expect and how to prepare for you scientific adventure will be emailed to each participant upon reservation.  Online reservations are mandatory for participation.

The National Park Service celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2016.  Over 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America's 410 national parks and monuments and create close-to-home recreational and cultural opportunities.  

Montezuma Well, a detached unit of Montezuma Castle National Monument, is a fee free location and is located at 5525 Beaver Creek Road, Rimrock, AZ.  For additional Information, call 928-567-3322 x 0 or visit

For the latest updates on events and programs, find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Last updated: April 13, 2016

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