News Release
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Contact: Laura Varon-Burkhart, 928-634-5564
On September 15th, 2018, the National Park Service will be conducting a monarch butterfly survey at Montezuma Well and we need your help! From 8:00 – 10:00am, rangers will lead volunteers through the process of catching, tagging and releasing migrating monarch butterflies as they head south to Mexico for the winter.
Because Mid-September is the tail end of our monsoon season, please be prepared for all types of weather. It's also important to bring the following items:
Water Bottle
Sun Screen
Insect or Butterfly Net (If you don't have one, we have a few extras)
Close-Toed Shoes
We also recommend that you wear pants because we will be going into some areas with scratchy bushes. We ask that you DO NOT wear insect repellent. The chemicals may be harmful to the butterflies.
To register as a volunteer, please visit and follow the monarch butterfly link. After registration, volunteers will receive an email with what to expect from the day’s event. Please register soon as we are limited to 20 volunteer participants. Registration will close when 20 volunteers have registered.
Montezuma Well is located at 5525 Beaver Creek Rd, Rimrock, AZ. For additional information, call 928-567-3322 x 0 or visit
For the latest updates on events and programs, find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @MontezumaNPS.
Last updated: August 17, 2018