Contact: Cristy Brown, 970-529-4608
Mesa Verde National Park invites you to join Park Ecologist, Tova Spector, on an “End of Winter Wildflower Walk” on Friday, March 24, beginning at 10 a.m. The guided hike is free, but advance sign-up is required. This hike is recommended for participants 12 years old and up. Participants will meet at Soda Canyon Overlook Trailhead, located on the Cliff Palace driving loop, just past the Balcony House parking area. Participants will discover early spring wildflowers, learn how the plants survive winter, and the benefits of blooming early. Be prepared to be outdoors for 2 to 3 hours with extra layers of clothing, water, and snacks. There is a limit of 15 people. -NPS-
Last updated: March 16, 2017