News Release
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Contact: Justin Bates, Deputy Superintendent, 830-868-7128 ext 244
STONEWALL, TX – The National Park Service is temporarily closing an area adjacent to the Texas White House due to safety concerns arising from a fallen tree limb.
The closure includes areas south of the Klein Shop, Martin Barn, and Texas White House. Based on feedback from Texas A&M Forest Service staff, the park is closing this area until a risk assessment can be completed by a trained and certified arborist.
Other park facilities are open to the public. These include the Johnson settlement, President Johnson's boyhood home, and the park visitor center in Johnson City. The LBJ Ranch driving tour is not affected, and the LBJ Ranch hangar visitor center is open as normal. The hangar visitor center features exhibits, artifacts, an award-winning 14-minute film, and a Western National Parks Association sales outlet.
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Last updated: July 26, 2019