News Release

Cushaw Contest

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Date: October 10, 2019

For the past several years, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial has been engaged in a project to perpetuate the Lincoln cushaw squash - a variety that is known to have been grown by Thomas Lincoln in Indiana. We have also encouraged the public to participate by taking seeds and planting their own squash. On Saturday, October 14, 2019, we will give everyone who has done so an opportunity to bring in their ripened squash to the living historical farm and to participate in a contest to see who has the largest. Entries can be brought to the park beginning at 11:00am. Park staff and volunteers will also explain the variety of ways cushaw can be prepared and propagated.  It promises to be a fun event highlighting those individuals who have been a vital part of the effort to preserve this important living link to the Indiana Lincoln story.   


Last updated: October 10, 2019

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