News Release
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Contact: Mike Capps, 812-937-4541 X 107
In today’s modern world we use electricity to help us deal with the longer hours of darkness thatcome with winter. But what was it like for pioneers like the Lincolns in the 1820s? On Saturday,
December 21 visitors will have an opportunity to find out when interpreters and volunteers at
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial will staff the cabin from 5:00-8:00pm. Abraham Lincoln is
said to have often read by the light of the fire in the fireplace. The public is invited to come and
see what that is like as well as enjoy such activities as spinning and storytelling – all within the
atmosphere of a cabin illuminated by candles and lamps.
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial is located off of Indiana Highway 162 in Lincoln City,
Indiana. For more information, please call the park at 812-937-4541.
Last updated: December 10, 2019