News Release
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Contact: Sally Freeman, (503) 861-4424
Lewis and Clark National Historical Park will kick off a new “In Their Footsteps” season with Jane Kirkpatrick’s “Something Worth Doing” on Sunday, September 19, at 1:00 p.m.
Join award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick online as she shares stories about some “wonderfully unruly women” including Abigail Scott Duniway, early Oregon suffragist. Duniway is the lead character in Kirkpatrick’s 2020 historical fiction book, “Something Worth Doing.” Duniway is also featured in a non-fiction chapter by Kirkpatrick in “Eminent Oregonians” a book by three prominent Pacific Northwest authors which is about to be released.
Jane Kirkpatrick has written 40 books, most based on the lives of historical women and men. These books speak of timeless themes of hardiness, faith, commitment, hope, and love. She has spoken around the world about the power of stories in our lives. About 20 years ago, she gave a talk in the park that inspired the popular “In Their Footsteps” monthly guest speaker series which is currently a virtual event.
Other upcoming “In Their Footsteps” virtual speaker series programs include:
- Sunday, October 17 “Captain Cook, Lewis & Clark, and the Evolution of The Northwest Passage” by David Nicandri
- Sunday, November 21 “Captain George Flavel” by Jon Drury
“In Their Footsteps” is a monthly Sunday forum sponsored by the Lewis & Clark National Park Association and the park. This season is a virtual version of these events.
For more information call the park at (503) 861-4414, check out lewisandclarknps on Instagram, or Lewis and Clark National Historical Park on Facebook.
Last updated: September 6, 2021