Rivers and Streams

aerial view of a multi-channelled river flowing through spruce forest into a lake

NPS Photo

Lake Clark National Park and Preserve is famous for its scenic lakes and spectacular glaciers. Rivers, though, are the lifelines of the ecosystem. Many rivers originate from glaciers within the area and either drain into Cook Inlet or into lakes in the park and preserve.

Each of the park and preserve's rivers is special in its own way. The Mulchatna, Tlikakila, and Chilikadrotna are designated as National Wild Rivers. The Kijik River enters Lake Clark at old Kijik village, a National Historic Landmark. The Tanalian River flows over spectacular Tanalian Falls, a short hike from Port Alsworth. The Tlikakila flows down into Lake Clark from the heights of Lake Clark pass. Red and silver salmon spawn in the Johnson and Crescent Rivers.

Other major rivers include the Chokotonk River, Tuxedni River, West Glacier Creek, Currant Creek, Tommy Creek, Drift River, Neacola River, Igitna River, Chilligan River, Stony River, Merrill River, Another River, Necons River, and Telaquana River.

Lake Clark's rivers are home to salmon, trout, and grayling, as well as ducks, swans, and other waterfowl. Bears and other mammals are often found on river banks.

Last updated: November 8, 2016

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