Alerts & Conditions


Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is open year-round. Check current park hours.

When visiting Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, please keep in mind:

There are no vending services available.

Those who come to visit can take steps to recreate responsibly by:

  • Protecting vegetation and avoiding ticks by staying on established paths.
  • Staying hydrated by bringing your own water and hand sanitizer.
  • Checking the weather conditions and being prepared.

We are excited to welcome you to the gardens!

A large group of people are walking on a boardwalk. They are looking through binoculars into the distance.
Come explore with us! Visitors enjoy a bird walk led by park volunteer Molly (center left) and Ranger Stephanie (center). Bird walks occur every Tuesday morning at 8:30am and on the first Saturday and Sunday of the month at 8:30am.

Photo courtesy of Tim Ervin

July at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

"Let us live like flowers---wild and beautiful and drenched in sun." Ellen Everett

Peak bloom season is upon us! Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is full of life! The flowers and wildlife are out, as well as many human admirers. Great egrets have returned to the marsh, lotus flowers are blooming all over the park and birds are singing their summer songs all day long.

Peak visitation occurs in July. Weekdays are less crowded than weekends. The best time to visit is in the morning as the temperatures are cooler and the flowers close up in the heat of the day, usually around 1:30pm. We have many great events planned for July, so please check our park calendar and social media for updates.

Come out and visit Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens soon!

Last updated: July 3, 2024

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1900 Anacostia Ave SE
Washington, DC 20020


771 208-1571

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