News Release

Expect Limited Parking and Long Lines for Park Reopening on September 22

Entrance station traffic
Entrance station traffic congestion

NPS Photo/Janice Wei

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News Release Date: September 17, 2018

Contact: Shanelle Saunders, Public Information Officer, 808-985-6018

Hawaii National Park, HI – Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park is pleased to announce reopening on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 10 a.m., National Public Lands Day. Park visitors should anticipate heavy traffic, long lines and delays, and one third fewer parking spaces when visiting the park.

Most of the park has been closed to visitors since Friday, May 11th, due to hazardous volcanic and seismic activity at the summit of Kīlauea. September 22 is National Public Lands Day, a fee-free day, so entrance fees will not be charged on Sept. 22. Entrance fees will go into effect on Sun., Sept. 23.

“We are thrilled to welcome our public back and share the incredible changes that have taken place,” said Superintendent Cindy Orlando. “We ask that you stay alert to these profound changes while enjoying your park and its resources.”

Before the closure, the park averaged 5,500 visitors per day and many parking lots were often full by 10 am. Now, the available parking around the summit is reduced by one third. If a parking lot is full, visitors should seek parking at a different destination such as Mauna Ulu or at the coast. Vehicles parked outside of designated stalls are subject to citation and may be towed. There will be limited services and no potable water as the park returns to normal operations. Visitors should bring snacks, plenty of drinking water, and a full tank of gas is also recommended. Please use caution and drive with aloha.


Last updated: September 24, 2018

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