Laws & Policies

Split rail fence, six-pounder cannon on a forested battlefield
Split rail fences and cannons were important barriers and tools during the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.

Stephen Ware

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park Rules & Regulations

The following information is designed to answer the most common questions regarding what is permitted during your visit to the battlefield. This list is not inclusive of every law and regulation. If you have questions, please contact a Park Ranger or call us at our park headquarters: (336) 288-1776.

The purpose of the following laws and regulations is to ensure the historic integrity of the park; to honor those men who fought and died on this battlefield as well as to ensure preservation of the park resources for the enjoyment and enrichment of present and future generations.


As of February 22, 2010, a new federal law allows people who can legally possess firearms under applicable federal, state, and local laws, to legally possess firearms in this park. It is the responsibility of visitors to understand and comply with all applicable state, local, and federal firearms laws before entering this park. As a starting point, please visit the State of North Carolina's website to learn about firearm regulations and laws. Federal law also prohibits firearms in certain facilities in this park; those places are marked with signs at all public entrances.


There are no picnic tables available on the battlefield. Picnicking is allowed ONLY in areas directly adjacent to the seven automobile stops along the battlefield tour road and at the provided tables at the Hoskins Farmstead. Picnicking is limited to small groups and for a short duration (1 hour or less). Tables, chairs, grills and other devices are not permitted.


Ball playing, sunbathing, kite flying, frisbee throwing, and similar recreational activities on the battlefield are not permitted.


The possession or use of metal detectors, electronic detection equipment and ground penetrating devices is strictly prohibited. If you plan to visit a National Park, it is best to leave this type of equipment at home.

All archeological and historic resources of National Parks and Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, including Revolutionary War artifacts, are protected by Federal Law. There are severe penalties for any attempt or effort to possess, disturb, remove, excavate (dig), or destroy archeological, cultural, historic, or prehistoric resources (artifacts).


All pets in the park must be leashed. A leash of no more than 6 feet is required. Pets cannot be left unattended.

Pet owners are required to dispose of pet excrement. The park has stationed seven pet excrement bag dispensers and trash receptacles on the Tour Road to help visitors adhere to this regulation. See the Pets webpage for more details.


The use of roller skates, skateboards, or similar devices is prohibited throughout Guilford Courthouse National Military Park.


Bicycle riding is permitted on the battlefield tour road RIGHT side ONLY. Bicycles must abide by all motor vehicle traffic laws. All cyclists must ride in the same direction as motor vehicles on the one-way tour road. The speed limit is 15 mph. Cyclists should use extreme caution around pedestrians and motor vehicles. Bicycles are not allowed on the foot trails leading into the interior of the park. These are pedestrian trails only.


The park Visitor Center and Visitor Center parking lot as well as the battlefield tour road are closed to motor vehicle traffic at 5:00 p.m. All vehicles must be removed from these areas by the 5:00 closing time. The parking lot at the corner of Old Battleground and New Garden Roads will remain open for visitor parking until sunset. Pedestrians and bicycles are allowed to access the interior (inside park gates) until sunset as well.

Special Use Permits

As defined under NPS Management Policies a special park use is an activity that takes place in a park area, and that:

  • provides a benefit to an individual, group, or organization rather than the public at large
  • requires written authorization and some degree of management control from the Service in order to protect park resources and the public interest;
  • is not prohibited by law or regulation;
  • is not initiated, sponsored, or conducted by the Service;
  • is not managed under a concession contract, a recreation activity for which the NPS charges a fee, or a lease.

Special Use Permits at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park require a $50.00 application fee. Management Fees may also be required if the permitted event requires additional park staffing to maintain a safe, clean environment and allow for uninterrupted visitor access. Management fees will be determined on a case by case basis prior to issuance of a permit. Please visit the Permits & Reservations page to obtain the proper Special Use Permit Applications and forms.

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park Compendium

The compendium was signed on January 26, 2024 and will remain in effect until specifically amended or supplemented by the Superintendent. For a signed copy of the park's compendium, please email.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 36

Visit the U.S. Government Publishing Office's website to view rules and regulations that apply to your visit to a National Park.

Priorities and Actions

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park Priorities and Actions Document

Last updated: August 15, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2332 New Garden Road
Greensboro, NC 27410


336 288-1776
This phone number will direct your call to the Visitor Center where you can speak with a Park Ranger or Volunteer.

Contact Us