2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Logo with text 2017 Total Eclipse, August 21, 2017
The 2017 Solar Eclipse Across America will be visible on August 21, 2017 across the continental United States. The center-line of the solar eclipse will pass over Grand Teton National Park placing it in the path of totality. Visitors will experience the moon’s shadow rushing toward them with the Teton Range backdrop. The mid-day darkness is stunning and the sun's corona is awe-inspiring—observed only during the brief totality.

Where can I see the eclipse in the Grand Teton?

August 21 is anticipated to be the busiest day in the history of the park. On eclipse day, the park will alter traffic flow and parking to accommodate eclipse viewers and maintain safe access. Visitors are invited to view the eclipse along the center path of totality along the Gros Ventre Road, or at designated Official Eclipse Viewing Areas where rangers and astronomers will provide telescopes and interpretive programs. During the eclipse event please help us ensure a successful day by respecting park resources, following all temporary routes, and packing out all litter.

Visitors looking at the sun with eclipse glasses.
Official Eclipse Viewing Areas

Find the best place to see the eclipse.

Bear in the sagebrush
Eclipse Safety

Prepare yourself to safely view the eclipse, wildlife, and the park

Visitors with backpacks
Be Prepared

Top things to be prepared for while on eclipse day and what to bring.

Cars wait an entrance station with mountains in the background
Getting Around During the Eclipse

Learn more about park entrances, roads, parking, and boating.

5 people sit around a campfire
Where to Stay

Find out about lodging, camping, and backcountry camping during the eclipse.

Eclipse Guide Cover
Get the Eclipse Guide and Maps

Download the Eclipse Guide for Grand Teton to have information at your finger tips.

Woman placing a aluminum can in a recycling container.
Green the Eclipse

Keep Grand Teton on the path to Zero-Landfill.

Ranger talking to two visitors outside a Visitor Center
Eclipse FAQs

Check out the most common questions and answers.

US Map with solar eclipse line of totality drawn across from upper left to lower right


What is an eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a celestial event when the moon passes between the sun and Earth blocking all or part of the sun. At a given location, the event can last up to an hour and a half. For this eclipse the longest period when the moon completely blocks the sun will be about two minutes and 40 seconds. The last total eclipse for the contiguous U.S. was in 1979, the next one will be in 2024.

At 10:17 am on Monday, August 21st, 2017 the solar eclipse will begin over Jackson Hole. At 11:35 am the moon will pass directly in front of the sun blocking out most of the sun’s light. For the next 2 minutes—the exact duration depends on your location—the Sun’s corona will be visible around the disk of the moon.
Black and white photo of a group of people with telescopes.
A group including Thomas Edison visited Rawlins, WY for the 1878 solar eclipse.

Carbon County Historical Museum


For thousands of years people learned about the sun through careful observation. Understanding the sun and seasons was critical to survival. As early as 4,000 years ago, ancient astronomers tried to predict solar eclipses in China and Greece.

More recently, scientists planned experiments during eclipses to test theories and equipment. With the sun blocked, other atmospheric features become visible. Scientists proved Einstein’s theory of relativity, and they searched for a theoretical planet Vulcan but it was proven not to exist.

In 1878, Thomas Edison and other scientists traveled to Wyoming to observe an eclipse. Edison tested his very sensitive thermometer, but it failed.

Last updated: November 8, 2023

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P.O. Box 170
Moose, WY 83012


Talk to a Ranger? To speak to a Grand Teton National Park ranger call 307–739–3399 for visitor information Monday-Friday during business hours.

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