General Troop Activity and Military Life Gallery Images

Company D and Junior Traffic Cops, 1929
Junior Traffic Cops examining D Company machine guns, 1929

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, Soper Photograph Collection, GOGA-2975


In this gallery, explore images of general troop activity and military life from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area’s past. These images appear in other galleries if they also relate to a specific area.

Images within these albums may be used for any legitimate non-commercial public or press use with proper credit given to the National Park Service. If you have any questions or additional information on these images, please contact the Park Archives and Records Center’s reference archivist at 415-561-2807 or Contact Us web page.


Last updated: July 22, 2024

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Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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