NPS Statement on Sharp Park


  • Sharp Park (417 acres) is an important property to NPS, as it was included in the legislative boundary of the GGNRA in 1980 by Congress in recognition of its national park values.
  • Sharp Park is adjacent to Mori Point and Sweeney Ridge, which are NPS properties managed by Golden Gate National Recreation Area. NPS has restored habitat for the California red legged frog and the San Francisco garter snake, both federally listed species, at Mori Point, and manages that site for trail based recreation and habitat restoration and preservation.
  • Any future use of Sharp Park, including continued golf, should demonstrate its compatibility with preservation of the federally listed species.
  • NPS learned of the City of SF Sharp Park resolution after it was introduced by San Francisco Supervisor Mirkarimi on 3/21/09. The resolution as amended and passed by the SF Board of Supervisors states:

Section 2. The San Francisco Park Code is hereby amended by adding Section 3.20, to read as follows:

SEC. 3.20 SHARP PARK. (a) No later than June 30 July 31, 2009, the Recreation and Park Department shall develop a plan, schedule and budget for restoring the habitat for the California red-legged frog (rana draytonii) and the San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) in conformance with the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531, et seq., and all other regulatory requirements; and for transferring Sharp Park to, or developing a joint management agreement with, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and the City of Pacifica and/or the County of San Mateo, in accordance with the deed granting Sharp Park to the City and County of San Francisco and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 23.41. The Department shall base such restoration plans on the best scientific information available, and shall include alternatives that (1) retain or redesign the golf course and (2) eliminate the golf course.

(b) No later than August 31, 2009, the Department shall provide to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a report detailing the steps taken, and the progress made, to achieve the goals set forth in subsection (a), above.

  • NPS supports completion of the study by the City and County of San Francisco as described in the Board of Supervisors’ ordinance. The study and other planning efforts of the City of San Francisco will evaluate the constraints and opportunities that will influence future management of the entire site, including protection of T&E species and cultural resource issues and will inform future use and management of the site, including decisions about the continuation of golf. NPS will stay involved in the study and environmental analysis and evaluate its future role based on the outcomes of that process.
  • NPS remains open to the range of future options for Sharp Park and will continue to be involved in cooperation with the City of San Francisco to ensure protection of the federally listed species.
  • NPS is not likely to accept ownership or management of the golf course, but would be willing to accept ownership or management of portions of Sharp Park contiguous to GGNRA-managed lands that would provide trail based recreation or habitat values, support stewardship of park lands or offer educational opportunities. This could include ownership of the club house if golf does not remain in the future.
  • The values of the Sharp Park currently include habitat for threatened & endangered species; important trail links to adjacent properties both north/south and east/west; a golf course; and natural coastal landscape. This property contains an important segment of the California Coastal Trail and could provide an important trail link between Mori Point and Sweeney Ridge. Potentially significant historic resources should also be evaluated.
  • The NPS and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy have invested significant time and funds at Mori Point to restore habitat for the California red legged frog and the San Francisco garter snake, both federally listed species. Because these species move between adjacent lands and Mori Point, preservation of the species depends on the compatible management of adjacent lands.
  • Federal legislation states that NPS could only accept the property as a donation from the City of San Francisco.
  • Public Law 92-589, which is the legislation that established the park on October 27, 1972, states "Section 1. "...In the management of the recreation area, the Secretary of the Interior....shall utilize the resources in a manner which will provide for recreation and educational opportunities consistent with sound principles of land use planning and management. …In carrying out the provisions of this Act, the Secretary shall preserve the recreation area, as far as possible, in its natural setting and protect it from development and uses which would destroy the scenic beauty and natural character of the area."
  • NPS has been following the progress of the Golf Course Task Force and is aware that this property is important to golfers, other recreational users, naturalists, and the City of Pacifica.

Last updated: September 16, 2016

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