The purpose of this project was to develop a comprehensive assessment of the Redwood Creek watershed involving diverse stakeholder groups and relevant public agencies that will guide management and monitoring of the Redwood Creek watershed. In addition to assisting NPS and other public agency partners in making land management decisions.
In 2002, public agencies in the Redwood Creek watershed joined with stakeholders and the public to define the Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) of the watershed (Vick 2003). The purpose of this process was to create a document based on consensus that outlines common goals for managing the watershed. This process provided the foundation for the watershed assessment. The watershed assessment provided the scientific foundation needed to make informed resource decisions in the watershed and required by the watershed vision. Since the data collection and analyses spanned jurisdictional boundaries and include all agencies in the watershed, the project provided a foundation for future cooperative, interagency watershed management. Specifically, the objectives of the project were: assess and describe historic, current, and potential future watershed conditions; identify parameters for assessing ecosystem health in the watershed; identify and prioritize restoration and management actions for watershed; and develop a technically sound monitoring and adaptive management framework to support agency decision-making in the watershed, including methods to address existing data gaps. Contact Information Michael Savidge (415) 561-4725 Documents:
2017 Redwood Creek Watershed, Muir Woods Road/Trail Re-evaluation & Assessment The primary goal for this project was to assess selected sites within the watershed; update observations based on current conditions; compile information on work completed and planned; and provide updated prioritized recommendations for short and long term erosion control and erosion prevention implementation strategies in order to assist GGNRA with their ultimate goal of land stewardship, protection of sensitive species and their habitats. Since its first printing in July 2003, the Redwood Creek Watershed Vision for the Future has been disseminated widely, and has served as a foundation and reference for numerous plans and projects. Its guiding principles and desired future conditions are as relevant today as they were in 2003, as managers, residents, and visitors continue to work together to achieve this shared vision. This second printing contains all of the original text, plus updated photos and maps.
The remarkable natural resources of the Redwood Creek watershed have been recognized and valued for over a century. This roughly 9 square mile watershed, located in Marin County and less than an hour drive from downtown San Francisco, hosts the iconic ancient redwood grove at Muir Woods National Monument, which is nestled between slopes of Mount Tamalpais and Muir Beach. The watershed is an extremely popular sightseeing and recreational destination, receiving over 2.5 million visitors annually. Four federally listed animal species (coho salmon, steelhead, red-legged frog, and northern spotted owl), and several rare plants occupy the diverse habitats within the watershed.
Overall, this document is meant to serve as a common technical reference point for jurisdictions and stakeholders to provide specific guidance regarding agreed-on priority issues and potential actions to address those issues, and most importantly to facilitate joint and/or coordinated efforts to improve the health and collective management of the Redwood Creek watershed. |
Last updated: August 30, 2017