Applying for a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Permit

Two ATVs in front of snowy mountain range, one ATV has a person sitting on it.
ATV Transportation in Glacier Bay National Preserve, Dry Bay.


Businesses and individuals may not conduct commercial activities in the park without a valid CUA permit or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the CUA.

A CUA permit is required if you, as an individual, organization, or company, provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for members, clients, or the public that:

  • take place at least in part in Glacier Bay,
  • use park resources,
  • result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit.

CUA Application Portal

The application period for all Glacier Bay CUAs is November 1 to April 30. A fully completed application package including insurance, fee payment, and other required documentation must be submitted by the April 30 deadline.

We are excited to announce the launch of the online CUA Application Portal and reporting system pilot. CUA applications for the 2023 CUA season will be accepted through the system until April 30, 2023. The system will streamline the application and reporting process for CUA applicants and holders. The NPS will use information gathered during this pilot to further refine the online system before it is fully launched in all NPS sites for the 2024 CUA season.

We will also provide the broader public a system overview in Spring of 2023 and will engage in a public comment period to solicit feedback on the system and associated fees. We will use the feedback received during the pilot and public comment period to improve the system before it goes into effect in 2024.

Please reach out to the CUA office if you have questions or concerns, or if you would rather submit your application using the existing CUA application form (NPS Form 10-550). Thank you for your participation!

An instructional video, below, is available if you need help using the new online system.
Commercial Use Authorization Application Portal
CUA Application Portal

Access the CUA Application Portal to view available CUA opportunities and apply now


Applicant Resources

When applying for a CUA, please use the following links to access current application, reporting forms, fee schedules, and additional application resources.

Last updated: January 11, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
PO Box 140

Gustavus, AK 99826


907 697-2230

Contact Us