Climate Change

No one quite knows what the future will hold for Death Valley’s climate. As temperatures rise in what is already the hottest place on Earth, precipitation patterns may change. Plants and animals in the park may be pushed to find new homes or may fall to threats posed by their changing surroundings and become extinct.



The Furnace Creek Visitor Center in Death Valley National Park was granted the Award of Excellence from Docomomo US.

Death Valley National Park and its partners are creating new strategies in response to an uncertain future in the face of a changing climate. From developing Action Plans that plot a course towards a “greener” National Park System, to building a LEED certified visitor center, Death Valley National Park is incorporating climate friendly behavior into its park operations, facility management, and communications.

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 579
Death Valley, CA 92328


760 786-3200

Contact Us