Commercial Use Authorizations


About CUAs in Denali

Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs) are limited authorizations to provide specific visitor services within the boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve. Section 418 of the National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998, Public Law 105-391, authorizes the National Park Service to issue Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs) to persons (referring to individuals, corporations, and other entities) to provide commercial services to park area visitors in limited circumstances. CUAs provide a means to authorize suitable commercial services to visitors in park areas.

The CUA is used to provide for incidental use of park area resources by operators who provide commercial services originating and terminating outside of the park area (Out-of-Park-Services). The term of a CUA may not exceed two years and no preferential right of renewal or similar provisions for renewal may be provided. Please note CUA holders are required to complete Annual Activity and Annual Financial reports both due by January 31 for the preceding operating year. These reports are required whether the CUA holder operates or not within the respective operating year.

Denali National Park and Preserve accepts one- or two-year CUA applications for the following activities:

Denali CUA Activity/Service Online Application System Service Type Name Specific Location
Guided Day Hiking—Frontcountry Hiking/Walking – frontcountry Denali Frontcountry
Guided Day Hiking—Kantishna and Wonder Lake Hiking/Walking – frontcountry Kantishna and Wonder Lake
Guided Day Hiking—Backcountry Hiking – backcountry 1980 Park and Preserve Additions (see map)
Guided Overnight Camping—Backcountry Camping – backcountry 1980 Park and Preserve Additions (see map)
Group Camping—Savage River Campground Camping – frontcountry Savage River Campground Group Sites A, B, 34
Guided Winter Activities Winter Activities – Guided Denali Frontcountry and the Mountain Vista Rest Area
Guided Mountaineering Climbing/Mountaineering – day trip 1980 Park and Preserve Additions (see map)
Guided Mountaineering Climbing/Mountaineering – overnight 1980 Park and Preserve Additions (see map)
Air Taxi (includes Incidental Hunt Transport) Transport (non-tour) – road, air, water based Permitted throughout the 1980 Park and Preserve additions except on glaciers and lakes on glaciers.

How to Apply

  • CUA applications will be accepted through the online system beginning November 6, 2024 until April 30, 2025. Click here to apply.
  • All applicants: Please submit applications a minimum of six weeks prior to the proposed start of operations in the park.
  • Online applicants must complete their application in the system by April 30.
  • Businesses may apply for multiple CUA activities but must complete separate applications for each CUA activity (see application fee section below).
  • Items needed at time of application:
    • The activity you’re applying for. An application must be completed for each CUA activity.
    • Business type, Business license, and Employer Identification Number (EIN).
    • Certificate of General Liability Insurance with the United States of America listed as additional insured. Businesses applying for Group Camping – Savage River Campground, Guided Day Hiking—Kantishna and Wonder Lake, or Guided Winter Activities must also provide Commercial Auto Liability Insurance.
    • An account with, which is used to sign into your account safely and securely.
    • Preferred payment type for the application fee. Acceptable payment methods:
      • Bank account (ACH)
      • Amazon account
      • PayPal account
      • Debit or credit card
  • Please reach out to the CUA office if you have questions or concerns.
  • Watch a video about how to apply for a Commercial Use Authorization through the online system.

CUA Application Fees

  • A $350 non-refundable application fee is charged on the first CUA application (or activity) for a one- or two-year CUA. Each subsequent CUA at the same park is $250 for a one- or two-year CUA. Application fees are charged by park.
  • Application fees may be deducted from the Annual Fee in year one only and may not be carried over into the second year of the CUA.

CUA Annual Fees

  • Denali National Park and Preserve charges a market price fee (also called the Annual Fee) in order to recover costs associated with the administration and management of your CUA.
  • The market price fee is a fee based on a percentage of your revenue earned from in-park or park-based operations. You are required to report this information each year when you submit the mandatory CUA annual report. The percentage of revenue market price fee is based on the following:
    • Less than $250,000 earned from park-based operations – 3% of gross receipts (minus application fee in year one of the permit)
    • $250,000 to $500,000 earned from park-based operations – 4% of gross receipts (minus application fee in year one of the permit)
    • More than $500,000 earned from park-based operations – 5% of gross receipts (minus application fee in year one of the permit)
    • Mountaineering exception – all revenue earned from in-park or park-based operations is subject to 6% of gross receipts (minus application fee in year one of the permit)
  • The percentage of revenue market price fee is a tiered fee best explained by example. Suppose a CUA holder earns $750,000 in gross revenue as a result of doing business authorized by the CUA. The NPS will charge 3% of gross receipts for the first $250,000 earned, 4% for the next $250,000, and 5% for the remaining $250,000, for a total CUA management fee of $30,000, minus the application fee.

CUA Annual and Activity Reporting

  • CUA holders are required to submit Annual Financial Reports (NPS Form 10-660). The NPS is delaying the 2024 annual CUA reporting process in order to provide CUA holders with adequate time to compile data necessary to submit the annual report and to ensure the first reporting process via the online CUA system is successful. Annual reports due for operations that occurred during 2024 will be made available to CUA holders for completion starting in February 2025. CUA holders will receive an email when reports are available. Sufficient time will be given to make management fee payments once submitted annual reports are reviewed and approved by park staff. Thank you for your patience.
  • CUA Activity Reporting must be completed by January 31st for the previous calendar year operations through the Visitor Use Reporting system (VURn). This is a separate online system than the CUA Application and Reporting System that facilitates the collection and analysis of commercial visitor use data and is unique to Interior Regional 11 – Alaska.


Types and Descriptions of CUAs in Denali

Activity/Service Details
Guided Day Hiking - Frontcountry CUA holders are authorized to conduct one hike per day on the following trails and routes:
  • Triple Lakes Trail starting from the DVC
  • Triple Lakes Trail starting from Mile 230 of the George Parks Highway
  • McKinley Station Trail starting from the DVC
  • McKinley Station Trail starting from the Riley Creek Day Use Area and Overflow Parking
  • Roadside Trail to Rock Creek Trail loop
  • Rock Creek to Roadside Trail loop
  • Oxbow Trail
  • Nenana River Hiking Trail
  • Only the portions of the Horseshoe Lake Trail from the DVC and the DVC parking area as allowed as connections to the McKinley Station and Roadside Trails
  • Use of the Meadow View, Morino, Spruce Forest, and Jonesville Connector Trails are allowed when using the McKinley Station, Triple Lakes, Roadside, and Rock Creek Trails
  • Use of the Roadside Bike Trail is allowed
Guided Day Hiking - Backcountry Day hiking in areas of the park backcountry. Special provisions apply to Backside Lake.
Guided Day Hiking - Kantishna & Wonder Lake Day hiking within the Kantishna Backcountry Day Use Area, Backcountry units 41, 42, 43 and select areas around Wonder Lake.
Guided Overnight Camping - Backcountry Hiking and carrying backpacks and necessary supplies and equipment with the intent of establishing and staying in temporary overnight camps.
Group Camping - Savage River Campground Overnight camping in the Savage Campground in designated group campsites.
Guided Winter Activities The Guided Winter Activities (GWA) CUA authorizes road-based transportation to/from destinations as far as the Mountain Vista Rest Stop (Mile 12 Denali Park Road) from September 24 to May 10, or as conditions allow. Non-transportation-based activities as part of the GWA CUA are incidental, short in duration, and are only authorized in the Murie Science and Learning Center (MSLC) area, Kennels, and Mountain Vista area.
Guided Mountaineering Activities that involve rock, ice or snow climbing and/or glacier travel requiring the use of ropes, ice axes, harnesses, climbing hardware, crampons, specialized clothing, etc.
Air Taxi Air transportation involving the drop-off and/or pick-up of visitors within park boundaries.
Incidental Hunt Transport An air taxi for the carriage of big game hunters, their equipment, or big game animals harvested by hunters is only an incidental portion of its’ business. The word “incidental” means transportation provided to a big game hunter by an air taxi who does not :
(i) charge more than the usual tariff or charter rate for the carriage of big game hunters, their equipment, or big game animals harvested by hunters; or
(ii) advertise transportation services or big game hunting services to the public. The word “advertise” means soliciting big game hunters to be customers of an air taxi operator or air carrier for the purpose of providing air transportation to, from, or in the field through the use of print or electronic media, including advertising at trade shows or the use of hunt broker services or other promotional services.

Last updated: January 7, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 9
Denali Park, AK 99755


907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.

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