Acknowledgements and Dedication


The writing of this history depended upon many people. For the opportunity, I am indebted to John Findlay, my advising professor at the University of Washington, who recommended me for this job. I am equally indebted to Stephanie Toothman, chief of the Cultural Resources Division of the Pacific Northwest Regional Office, who hired and guided me through this project with a steady hand.

Research was a collaborative effort. I would like to thank Barry Mackintosh, the Park Service's bureau historian, for fielding my questions on agency history; Tom Durant, the NPS photo librarian, for helping me track down historic photos; and Jane Merritt, fellow graduate student and project historian, for retrieving files from the National Archives. I owe a special thanks to Marian Schenck, Horace Albright's daughter, who shared with me her father's impressions of the monument.

For assisting me in obtaining records from the National Archives and Record Center--Pacific Northwest Region, I thank Dwight Grinolds. At the Pacific Sierra Region, Kathleen O'Connor and Richard Boyden worked long distance to cut through red tape and to locate and send me important monument records, an invaluable service. In Idaho, Elizabeth Jacox assisted me with the Idaho State Historical Society's collections and willingly researched over the phone. I am particularly grateful for the assistance of Allan Virta and Mary Carter at Boise State University Library's Special Collections. The library's manuscripts were critical to the study of the monument's history, and both Allan and Mary were highly supportive and helpful. The librarians of the Pacific Northwest Regional Office, Nancy Hori, Mary Ellen Bartholomew, and Richard Aroksaar, deserve high honors for their enthusiastic support, interest, and energy in helping me with research questions and countless interlibrary loans.

I am also thankful for the assistance of others in the regional office. Kathy Jope tutored me in resource management, Rick Wagner in land issues, and Glenn Hinsdale in interpretation. Members of the Cultural Resources Division shared their knowledge of the monument as well as their humor and made me feel at home. In particular I extend my thanks to Marsha Tolon for helping me with the report's graphics, Claudia Chalden for transcribing interviews, and Associate Regional Director Richard Winters for his encouragement. Regional Historian Gretchen Luxenberg created the monument's archives and started its administrative history file prior to my arrival, and was a tireless source of enthusiasm, support, and criticism. She read every word of this tome--twice. I perhaps owe her the greatest debt.

But that honor goes to the former and present staff of Craters of the Moon. For their candid interviews and valuable assistance, I thank Dan Davis, Roger Contor, Paul Fritz, Robert Hentges, Robert Scott, Jon Jarvis, Robert Zink, Ed Menning, Robert Reynolds, David Clark, Neil King, Lora Hall, Shelly Hall, Bruce Edmonston, and Lee Taylor. Through them I gained a better understanding of the monument and its management.

To all those individuals and institutions who assisted me in research, read and commented on this document, and to those I may have forgotten, I also offer my sincere thanks.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Rebekah, a geologist who taught me to see the beauty of rocks and to know their names, and to appreciate places like Craters of the Moon.


To the past, present, and future staff of Craters of the Moon National Monument. May this help.

Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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