If you are seeking general information about Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, or Fort Bowie National Historic Site, you may wish to explore other pages of this website or feel free to contact the park. The information you are seeking may already be available on the Internet, at park visitor centers, or by simply calling 520-366-5515, mailing, or e-mailing your request to the park. If it is not, you will need to submit a written FOIA request using this form to:
Southeast Arizona Group of National Park Sites
4101 E Montezuma Canyon Rd
Hereford, AZ 85615
You may also submit FOIA requests to the NPS or the DOI. If you have questions on what information is available without submitting a FOIA request or where it may be located, contact one of the NPS FOIA Officers and Contacts or DOI FOIA Contacts. Our responsibility is to provide you with copies of the documents you are entitled to receive under the law. We want to work with you to achieve that goal.
National Park Service FOIA page
Department of the Interior FOIA page