Commercial Use Authorizations

For assistance or for more information, please contact the park Permit Coordinator: (520) 824-3560 x9201
  • CUAs are currently issued for two years with exceptions.
  • There is no right or guarantee of renewal. Permittee must reapply for a new CUA for succeeding periods upon expiration of the current CUA.
  • CUAs are issued for a fee. The current fee is $250.
  • CUAs are not considered concession contracts. These services need not be "necessary" but are "appropriate" services that may enhance the visitor experience, and have been determined to have minimal impact on resources and park values.
  • Commercial business activity is prohibited within the park unless a CUA has been granted by the park (36 CFR Sec. 5.3).

Commercial Use Authorization Information and Application Packet

CUA Fees

The authority for the National Park Service (NPS) to impose user charges to recover and retain costs associated with managing special park uses is found in 31 U.S.C. 9701 and 16 U.S.C. 3a. Fees for CUAs are non-refundable. Monitoring fees may apply.

CUA Cost: This fee covers the costs associated with the administrative process of preparing and issuing the CUA, including National Environmental Policy Act and cultural compliance approval if applicable. This fee includes the cost of operating. The CUA fee, if applicable, should be submitted along with your application form. Make your remittance payable to Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Monitoring Cost: This fee covers the park's costs associated with monitoring and/or performing needed functions to properly manage the incidental business park activity.

Liability Insurance
The NPS requires all permittees to carry liability insurance. The CUA must provide commercial liability insurance against claims arising out of or resulting from the acts or omissions of the CUA operator or the CUA operator's employees, agents, or contractors, in carrying out the activities and operations required and/or authorized under the CUA. The CUA Specialist must receive verification of general liability (and transportation insurance, if applicable) coverage before a CUA can be issued and the coverage must be maintained as current during the term of the authorization.

Please contact the Permits Coordinator at 520-824-3560 x9201 for current forms. If you leave a phone message, be sure to include your phone number and email address.

Last updated: March 31, 2021

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4101 E Montezuma Canyon Road
Hereford, AZ 85615


520 366-5515

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