
International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss
Visitor Center Theater is Equipped with a T-Coil Hearing Loop.

Colorado National Monument is constantly striving to make your visit more enjoyable by making facilities as accessible as possible. This webpage provides descriptions of the accessible facilities, services, and opportunities in the park. Many changes and improvements are in the works and we will implement them as we can.

To download a brochure and map of accessible facilities click here.

  • Accessible restrooms are located at the Visitor Center, Saddlehorn campground, and Devils Kitchen Picnic Area (see below).
  • Two accessible campsites are located in the campground, campsite #5, and campsite #70.
  • The Devils Kitchen Picnic Area and the Visitor Center (see below) picnic area are also accessible.
  • Book Cliffs View, Independence Monument View (see below), Coke Ovens Overlook, and Cold Shivers Point (see below) are accessible overlooks along Rim Rock Drive.
  • At the Visitor Center, videos are open-captioned, and an induction loop is provided for users of hearing aids. For those without T-coil enabled hearing aids, assisted listening devices are available at the front desk.
  • Across Rim Rock Drive from the Visitor Center is the Alcove Nature Trail. The first 1/4 mile has a firm natural trail tread surface 5 feet wide with a average running slope of 7%.
  • An audio description tour of the exhibits is also available. Handheld tour devices are available at the front desk.
  • Join us for a ranger-led talk on the porch of the Visitor Center, see below.
  • BUS DRIVERS: Please drop visitors off at the accessible ramp into the Visitor Center, exit the parking lot, and drive around to the designated bus parking area. See below.

If you have accessibility questions not answered by this guide, please call the park's information center at 970-858-2800, extension 360, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. mountain standard time, or e-mail us.

campsite 5
Saddlehorn campground has two accessible campsites, #5 and #70.
ramp into accessible picnic area
Ramp and picnic area at Saddlehorn Visitor Center.
access to visitor center
Bus drivers please drop off guests at the visitor center entrance, drive out of the parking lot, and around to the bus parking area.
accessible porch talks
Attend a ranger-led porch talk!
Cold Shivers Point
Cold Shivers Point
Devils Kitchen Picnic Area
Devils Kitchen Picnic Area

Entrance Fees - General Information
The America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Access Pass is a lifetime pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities.

The pass provides access to, and use of, federal recreation sites that charge an entrance or standard amenity fee. The pass admits the pass holder and passengers (not to exceed four adults) in a non-commercial vehicle. Children under 16 are admitted free.

The Access Pass provides a 50 percent discount on fees for some facilities and services such as camping and specialized interpretive services. In some cases where these fees are charged, only the pass holder will be given the 50 percent price reduction. The pass is non-transferable and generally does NOT cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees charged by concessionaires.

The pass can only be obtained in person at a park and documentation is required. Acceptable documentation includes statement by a licensed physician; document issued by federal agency such as the Veteran's Administration, Social Security Disability Income, or Supplemental Security Income; or document issued by a state agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency.

Entrance Fees - Colorado National Monument (COLM) Information
In Colorado National Monument, the Access Pass admits the pass holder and passengers in one private, non-commercial vehicle. It also provides a 50 percent discount on camping. When making a camping reservation, you must provide the number on the pass.

All passes are available year round at park entrance stations. For more information, see the Fees and Passes page.


Service Animals

  • A service animal is defined by the ADA as a dog that provides assistance to an individual with a disability. This includes guide dogs, hearing assistance dogs, seizure or diabetic alert, PTSD response, wheelchair and mobility assistance, and other tasks. The work or task a dog does must be directly related to the individual's disability. Service dogs are working animals, not pets.
  • Emotional support animals (ESAs) and therapy dogs do not meet ADA requirements for service dogs, and are not allowed on any of the monument's trails or in the visitor center. ESAs and therapy dogs follow the same rules as pets within the Monument. For more information about bringing a pet to the monument, including hiking suggestions for nearby parks that do allow dogs and other animals on trails, visit our Pets Page.
  • Service dogs must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered at all times, unless that prevents the dog from doing their job or the individual's disability prevents them from using those devices. In that case, dogs must be under handler control through voice, signal, or other means at all times.
  • Desert notes for service dog handlers:
    • Pack water for yourself and your service dog, as there are no water sources on trails.
    • Booties are recommended for hot surfaces to avoid paw injuries. Pavement temperatures in the summer are hot enough to burn paws. Check paws for burrs and cactus spines.
    • Watch for signs of overheating in the warmer months. Temperatures can vary depending on altitude, and can reach into the low 100s on the hottest summer days.
    • Keep an eye out for wildlife and give animals extra space, as they may view your service dog as a threat. The Monument is home to cougars and coyotes, and occasionally black bear. Bighorn sheep view dogs as predators and can react defensively, especially mothers protecting their babies. The midget faded rattlesnake can be found here as well, although they are not usually seen during the day.

Emergency Phone Number: 911

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Last updated: June 17, 2023

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Mailing Address:

1750 Rim Rock Drive
Fruita, CO 81521


970 858-2800

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