Park Regulations - 1903


Rules and regulations for the management of the Sulphur Springs Reservation, in the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory.

Section 64 of the act of Congress approved July 1, 1902 (32 Stat., 641), establishing a Government reservation at Sulpur Springs, in the Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, provides:

Until otherwise provided by law, the Secretary of the Interior may, under rules prescribed for that purpose, regulate and control the use of the water of said springs and creeks and the temporary use and occupation of the land so ceded. No person shall occupy any portion of the land so ceded or carry on any business thereon, except as provided in said rules.

For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of said act, under present conditions, the following rules are prescribed, and all former rules and regulations in conflict herewith are hereby annulled:

First. The use and benefits of the reservation, and the springs and creeks therein, are provided for the general public under proper restrictions, and the reservation, and allproperty of the United States within its limits, shall be under the immediate charge and supervision of an officer appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, who shall receive his instructions from, and report to, the Secretary of the Interior.

Second. Said officer is charged with the enforcement of all rules and regulations

Third. Before any bath house or bathing pool shall be established permission in writing shall first be obtained of the officer in charge and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, who alone shall determine the location of such bath house or bathing pool and fix the rates for the use of the water and the maximum price that may be charged for baths.

Fourth. The officer in charge is authorized and empowered to enter into leases for the temporary use and occupancy of the buildings and lands, and for the use of water from the springs and creeks, provided that no lease shall be in force until the same is approved by the Secretary of the Interior.

Fifth. No game of chance or device of any sort for gambling, nor the sale of intoxicating liquors will be permitted on any premises so leased, and upon a violation of this regulation the Secretary of the Interior may declare such lease forfeited and take such action as the circumstances warrant.

Sixth. No camping shall be permitted within 1,000 feet of any spring, and then only upon such land as may be designated for that purpose by the officer in charge.

Seventh. The cutting of timber or the destruction of any tree, vine, plant, or shrub is forbidden.

Eighth. Cattle, horses, hogs, and other live stock shall not be allowed to run upon the reservation excepting within inclosures duly leased, such lease to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior.

Ninth. No building, bridge, or other structure shall be erected or allowed upon the reservation except upon application made to the officer in charge and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and a copy of the application shall be filed with the officer in charge.

Tenth. With the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, the officer in charge map establish roads and bridges upon the reservation at such points or places as will best accommodate the public, provided always that no road or bridge shall be established or permitted where the same will interfere with or injure any spring, creek, or other property of the United States, and provided further that no part of the reservation shall be used as a roadway excepting as herein provided.

Eleventh. Persons who render themselves obnoxious by disorderly conduct or bad behavior, or who violate any of these rules, may be summarily removed from the reservation by the officer in charge, and will not be allowed to return without permission in writing from the Secretary of the Interior.

Twelfth. The officer in charge shall cause the removal from the reservation of any person found committing any nuisance or contaminating any spring or creek upon the reservation, or cutting timber thereon, or committing any other unlawful depredation.

Thirteenth. The officer incharge shall keep a record of all applications for leases or other privileges, and of all complaints made to him concerning the government of the reservation, and report the same to the Secretary of the Interior.

Fourteenth. Whenever, in the judgment of the officer in charge, any property belonging to the United States should be removed, he shall report the same to the Secretary of the Interior with full particulars.

Fifteenth. No open fires shall be allowed upon the reservation, excepting at such points as shall be approved by the officer in charge, and the building of open fires without permission shall be sufficient cause for removing the offender from the reservation, as provided in rule 11. Open fires must be extinguished when no longer needed.

Sixteenth. Depositing or dumping garbage or filth upon the reservation will be considered a serious offense, and the officer in charge shall cause the removal from the reservation of persons guilty of the same.

Seventeenth. No water from any spring or creek shall be taken from the reservation or diverted or conducted from its natural course without the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.

Washington, D. C., November 4, 1903


E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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