Interested in a summer job?
Chickasaw National Recreation Area is looking for a school teacher to work with the park interpretation/education program this summer as a “Teacher Ranger Teacher”. The park Teacher Ranger Teacher program (TRT) will be administered this summer through a partnership with the University of Colorado (Denver). While participating in the TRT program, teachers are considered “student interns” at CU Denver. CU Denver will provide TRT participants three (3) graduate credit hours for participation in the program. The National Park Service will cover the cost of tuition for the on-line graduate course with the University of Colorado. The level of effort for this position will equal 230 work hours. The actual number of days or weeks that the TRT is at the park can be negotiated between the teacher and the park TRT coordinator. Salary for this position is $3,584.
Teachers participating in the TRT program will have the opportunity to engage with the park interpretation and education program, participate in a webinar about lesson planning, develop at least one lesson to be used in the classroom or school, assist the park with an education project, and increase their understanding of the park and the national park system. Each TRT will be provided with uniform items that identifies the teacher as part of the TRT program.
For more information contact Ron Parker, Chief of Interpretation, Chickasaw National Recreation Area at 580-622-7231 or 580-622-7234.
Last updated: February 8, 2021