COMPENDIUM of designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions imposed under the discretionary authority by the Superintendent of Cedar Breaks National Monument. Section 1.5 Closures and Public Use LimitsLaunching, landing or operating an unmanned aerial (UAS) system from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Cedar Breaks National Monument is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent. All areas below the rim at Cedar Breaks National Monument are closed to downhill skiing, snowboarding, sledding or sliding devices. Cross country skiing is permitted on the rim trails. The Monument does not maintain cross country ski trails. All fires (wood, charcoal and cigarette) and/or stove use within the park may be reduced or temporarily banned by the Superintendent during times of high fire danger to protect park resources and reduce the public risk. Traditional geocaching within Cedar Breaks National Monument is prohibited. The Cedar Break NM’s Maintenance Facility Operations Area and housing area is closed to the public presence, use and access except for individualsconducting administrative business. Service and administrative roads that are designated by signs and/or locked gates are closed to all vehicle traffic except those on official government business. When the COVID-19 Community Level is LOW or MEDIUM in the county or all the counties where the park is located based on data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), individuals are not required to wear masks. When the COVID-19 Community Level is HIGH in one or more, but not all, of the counties where the park is located based on data provided by the CDC, the superintendent will determine whether individuals are required to wear masks. The requirement, if any, will apply to all facilities within the park. Masks must cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly around the nose and chin with no large gaps around the sides of the face. Masks not designed to be protective, masks with ventilation valves, and face shields do not meet the requirement. Regardless of the COVID-19 Community Level, individuals may wear masks if they choose to do so. Where a state, local, tribal, or territorial government where the park is located imposes more protective mask-wearing requirements than those indicated by the COVID-19 Community Level, individuals must follow those more protective requirements within the park. More protective state, local, tribal, or territorial mask-wearing requirements are hereby adopted as federal requirements in all units of the National Park System located within that state, locality, area subject to a federally recognized Indian tribe’s regulatory jurisdiction, or territory, regardless of a particular park’s jurisdictional status. Additionally, all individuals must wear masks in or on public transportation conveyances and transportation hubs/facilities, to the extent required by current orders or directives issued by the CDC, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), or other federal agencies with jurisdiction over those conveyances or areas. As of March 4, 2022, CDC and TSA orders or directives require all individuals regardless of vaccination status to wear masks in indoor areas of all forms of public transportation conveyances, including busses, trains, and boats/ferries, and in the indoor premises of transportation hubs/facilities. Individuals are not required to wear masks while outdoors on conveyances or while outdoors on the premises of transportation hubs/facilities. Justification: By relying on the best available data and science-based public health measures, and in keeping with the Center of Disease Control’s (CDC’s) Public Health Guidelines in order to protect the health and safety of NPS employees, volunteers, partners, contractors, and park visitors from COVID-19 and the on-going pandemic, masks are required when community levels are HIGH in Iron County. When the COVID-19 Community Level is LOW or MEDIUM in the county based on data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individuals are not required to wear masks. Any use of any off-highway vehicle (OHV), all-terrain vehicle (ATV), utility vehicles (UTVs) or other motorized conveyance manufactured for recreational non-highway, off-road, or all-terrain travel regardless of registration status (all-terrain type I or type II “street legal” vehicles, as defined by Utah State Code Annotated 41-22-2 or 41-6a-102) is prohibited within Cedar Breaks National Monument. Section 1.6 Activities Requiring a PermitThe following activities enumerated by individual section require a permit issued by the Superintendent subject to additional requirements, as applicable: Section 1.7 Reduced Occupancy Limit due to Covid-19 Pandemic GuidelinesThe number of visitors in the following indoor locations may not exceed the maximum occupancy identified for each location.
Section 2.1 Preservation of Natural, Cultural and Archeological ResourcesThe gathering, possession and consumption of all wild fruits, berries and nuts or domestic fruit, berries and nuts are limited to quantities which are consumed by a single individual the same day or 1 pound per individual and limited to a total of 5 pounds for groups of 5 or more people. Section 2.2 Wildlife ProtectionThe feeding of wildlife through bird feeders, baiting or improperly stored food is prohibited in Park housing areas and in any established campsite in any campground, including camp-host sites in concurrence with 36 CFR. The transportation of lawfully taken wildlife is permitted on all roads open to public vehicle travel within Cedar Breaks NM. Transportation through the park of wildlife lawfully taken outside the park is permitted only in a motor vehicle and must be non-stop, except for emergencies. Taken wildlife must have a valid state tag attached to the animal in accordance with all applicable state regulations. Compliance checks may be conducted by law enforcement park rangers. A permit is required to track and remove lawfully taken animals that were mortally wounded outside the Monument boundaries, then enter the park. Permits can be issued to hunters in the field by law enforcement rangers or park staff and can only be obtained in the event of these described circumstances. The entire park is closed to the use of artificial light for the purpose of viewing wildlife. The use of wildlife and/or varmint calls, audio attractants or other artificial or natural means of attracting or disturbing wildlife (including rattling antlers or verbal bugling or howling imitations) are prohibited. Section 2.5 Research Collection PermitPermits are applied for through the online Research Permit and Reporting System (RPRS) system and approved by the Superintendent or Zion’s Chief of Resource Management. Individuals must keep a copy of the signed and approved permit with them and present it upon request. Section 2.10 Camping and Food StorageAll areas of the park are closed to camping except in designated sites in the established Point Supreme Campground, when the campground is not signed as closed. No camping is permitted within the Cedar Breaks Amphitheater. No person, party or organization shall be permitted to camp anywhere in Cedar Breaks NM more than 14 consecutive days and no more than 30 days in a calendar year. Point Supreme Campground quiet hours are from 10 PM to 6 AM (2200-0600). Generator use is not authorized during quiet hours. Loud music, partying, yelling, screaming and other loud noises during this period of time are not authorized. Checkout time of campsites in developed campgrounds is 11:00 a.m. Attaching or suspending any item from trees which may cause tree or limb damage is prohibited, as is attaching any item to trees or vegetation with nails, wire or chains. Candles or lanterns are not to be hung from tree limbs by any means. Clotheslines longer than 15 feet or numbering greater than one per campsite are prohibited. “Tree tents” are not permitted due to the number and length of guy lines exceeding the footprint of the campsite. The use of hammocks is considered a camping style and will be permitted, but limited to trees more than 10 inches in diameter with adequate padding and MUST be within the footprint of the campsite to limit resource and infrastructure damage. Nothing can be attached to park structures. No more than two attachments to any single tree. Temporary slacklines will also be permitted under the same conditions as hammocks (padding, tree size) provided they do not create any resource or infrastructure (sprinkler systems, pergola, etc.) damage or safety hazard. Installation or use of any sports equipment that requires the placing of stakes or other items into the ground or whose use would cause resource damage or creates a public safety hazard is prohibited. Examples of such equipment includes, but is not limited to, horseshoe stakes, volleyball nets, lawn darts, group football games, etc. Within all campsites, picnic areas and parking lots, all food products and garbage must be stored inside a vehicle or a secure lockable hard sided container. This does not apply to food that is being transported, consumed, or prepared for consumption. For the purpose of the following food storage restrictions, "food items" shall be defined as food, drinks, toiletries, cosmetics, pet food and bowls, and odoriferous attractants. Garbage (including empty cans, food wrappers, etc.) must be stored or disposed of consistent with these regulations. Coolers, dirty stoves, grills, non-disposable tableware and cookware must be washed, or stored in the same manner as food. Section 2.13 FiresOpen fires are permitted only in designated campsites and picnic areas. At these locations, fires shall be contained within designated grills/rings or in privately owned grills containing all fire ash and residue, where no scorching of the ground surface occurs. The use of lanterns, stoves, hot plates and heaters are authorized but must be attended at all times.
Justification: Certain Fire Restrictions are necessary to protect the public, natural and scenic values and the environment. Campground and picnic area fire receptacles are designed to minimize the risk of sparks igniting nearby flammable materials, and their controlled location helps prevent recreation sites from becoming unsightly. Fires (except for self-contained lanterns and stoves) are prohibited in non-developed areas. Section 2.14 Sanitation and RefuseIn non-developed areas, human body waste must be buried at least 6 inches deep and 100 ft. from any visible open water source. Associated paper must be carried out and disposed of in a proper receptacle.
Justification: Human body waste is a threat to public health and environmental or scenic values. Backcountry use demands thoughtful consideration of others in the successive use of resources. Section 2.15 PetsPets, as defined by 36 CFR 1.4(a), are to be a dog, cat or other animal that has been domesticated. All pets must be on leashes no longer than 6 feet, or otherwise under physical restraint. Pets are permitted in parking areas open to public, Sunset Trail, within Point Supreme Campground and picnic area, and at any paved overlook.Pets are prohibited on all other park trails, except Sunset Point Trail and the Rattlesnake Trail with hikers that are completing a through hike, passing through Cedar Breaks National Monument.Pet excrement must be picked up and properly disposed of by the individual responsible for the pet.
Justification: Consistent with public health and safety, protection of natural resources and avoidance of conflict among visitor use activities, pets must be restricted. The burden is placed on pet owners and responsible parties to assure their pets do not destroy park values for others in those areas where they are allowed. Pets may be left unattended up to two hours, secured in a cage or tied to an object in developed campgrounds provided all other requirements of §2.15 are observed and ensuring that the animal has food, water, and shelter, adequate for conditions. Unattended pets observed making unreasonable noise will be considered prima facie evidence of failure by the owner to meet requirements of §2.15(a)(4). Leaving a pet unattended in a vehicle with environmental conditions that pose a health risk to the animal is prohibited. If NPS personnel determine an animal is in imminent danger action may be taken to prevent further harm to the animal.
Justification: The burden is placed on pet owners to ensure their pet’s needs are adequately addressed and do not compromise the health and safety of the animal or other visitors. Environmental conditions that pose a health risk to the animal may be determined by NPS personnel observing ambient temperatures, the probability of unhealthy conditions within the vehicle, and observing signs of distress from an animal. Section 2.16 Horse and Pack AnimalsAll horse and other pack animal use in Cedar Breaks NM is prohibited. Horses and other livestock are restricted to trailers while being transported through Cedar Breaks NM. All feed must be contained and/or covered in a manner that prevents plant material and seeds from being distributed in Cedar Breaks NM.No commercial horse or livestock may be transported through Cedar Breaks NM on the Cedar Breaks Scenic Drive (Park Road from the park’s south boundary to its junction with S.R. 143). Section 2.18 SnowmobilesPursuant to 36 CFR 2.18 (b), and the Federal definition of a “Snowmobile,” machines that have been fitted with cleats, belts, runners or low pressure tires for driving in snow do NOT meet the Federal definition of a “Snowmobile” and therefore are not authorized. Only machines outfitted with “a track” or “tracks” and steered by “a ski” or “skis” are authorized to traverse the unplowed roadways of Cedar Breaks National Monument, pursuant to 36 CFR 7.52 (see below).A snowmobile, defined in 36 CFR, “means a self-propelled vehicle intended for travel primarily on snow having a curb weight of not more than 1000 pounds (450 kg), driven by a track or tracks in contact with the snow, and steered by ski or skis in contact with the snow.
The State of Utah defines a snowmobile as, “any motor vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice and steered, and supported in whole or in part by skis, belts, cleats, runners or low-pressure tires.
Justification: 36 CFR 2.18 (b) states that, “Except as otherwise provided in this section…” and at the end of the paragraph, “Non-conflicting State laws are adopted as a part of these regulations.” Section 36 CFR does provide a clear definition of what a snowmobile is and the Federal definition does conflict with the State definition, therefore machines not meeting the Federal definition of a snowmobile are prohibited.Pursuant to this section, a special regulation (Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 7.52) has been promulgated to permit snowmobile use on designated sections of the unplowed roadway in the park. Use of snowmobiles on other than the designated routes is prohibited. Justification: 36 CFR 7.52 is special regulation, specific to Cedar Breaks NM, allowing for snowmobile use on the main park roads, overlook parking lots and the paved viewpoint trail to Point Supreme. Section 2.19 Winter ActivitiesAll areas of the park above the rim are open to skiing and snowshoeing when the road is closed to motor vehicle traffic. Snowmobiling routes will remain 8’ from center line of any/all groomed ski or snowshoe trails within the road corridor.
Justification: The road corridors in Cedar Breaks NM are wide enough to accommodate snowmobiling, skiing, and snowshoeing. For visitor safety and to prevent user conflicts, snowmobilers will remain 8’ from the center line of any groomed ski or snowshoe track/trail within the road corridor. While snowmobile use is restricted to designated areas, the entire park, above the rim, is open to use by skiers and snowshoers. Section 2.21 SmokingSmoking is prohibited in all park buildings and 25 feet from any building entrance, exits, air intake, or windows.During times of high fire danger, smoking may be prohibited in all areas of the monument by the posting of appropriate signs at park entrances.
Justification: In the interest of fire prevention and public health, this prohibition is consistent with state law, past practice and fire restrictions in the Color Country area. Section 2.35 Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled SubstancesAll public use buildings are closed to the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages except during officially sanctioned activities when the building is closed to the general public.
Justification: The Superintendent has determined that the use of alcoholic beverages in the public buildings would conflict with the primary purpose of those buildings. Section 2.50 Special EventsA special use permit is always required to hold an event within the boundaries of Cedar Breaks N.M. These events include wedding ceremonies, scattering of ashes (§2.62), and when groups of greater than 25 people (§2.51) plan gatherings or activities. Permit applications are accepted up to 1 year in advance and no less than 3 weeks prior to event date.
Section 2.62 MemorializationThe scattering of ashes is permitted with a Special Use Permit on either side of the 400-yard trail that connects Chessmen Ridge Overlook to the Alpine Pond Loop Trail. Memorials or plaques are not permitted.
Justification: The Superintendent has identified this area where families can scatter ashes and impacts to other visitors will be minimized. Section 4.11 Load, Weight, and Size LimitWhen posted as such, and generally beginning at the seasonal spring opening of The Cedar Breaks Scenic Drive (Park Road from the park's south boundary to its junction with S.R. 143) is closed to vehicles that have a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,000 lbs. or more, until it is determined by the Superintendent that the road base and road shoulders have dried sufficiently and postings are removed.
Justification: Due to heavy snow loads at the park's elevation, the soil along the margins and shoulders of the road is saturated with snowmelt from the deep snowbanks on the roadside for several weeks following the road opening each spring. Overnight freezing temperatures, with rising daytime temperatures, results in a freeze-thaw cycle in the soil of the strata underlying the road. The weight of heavy traffic, coupled with the freezing and thawing of soil moisture beneath the road, results in a rapidly accelerated deterioration of the road surface and margins. The Superintendent has adopted the recommendations of the Federal Highway Administration, and comments received by the Utah Department of Transportation and other state and federal agencies and the public during a scoping process in 2004 to put in place a temporary ban on heavy traffic (defined as vehicles with a GVWR of 26,000 lbs. or more) during the spring thaw. The amount of time these restrictions will be posted and remain in place will depend upon the time it takes for the soil beneath the road to adequately dry and the freeze-thaw cycle to end. Sensors buried in the road base are used to measure soil moisture content and temperature. Data from these sensors will be used to determine when the road base can withstand heavy loads without damage. Once conditions along the roadside have dried out and warmed up, heavy traffic can resume without causing significant break-up of the road base. Section 4.21 Speed LimitsThe speed limit on all monument roads is 35 MPH, except for that section of the Park Road between the campground service road and the cabin service road where it is 25 MPH. Other speed limits may be posted due to unforeseen circumstances.
Justification: Due to the character of park roads, 35 mph is the maximum speed limit, unless otherwise posted or when conditions for safe travel dictate less. Section 4.30 Bicycles and E-BikesGroups of cyclists using park roads must break into groups of 6 riders or less with groups separated by one quarter mile. Cyclists must ride single file on all monument roadways. Commercial bicycle tours/groups are prohibited from riding on Monument roads.
Justification: Large bicycle groups prevent vehicles from passing them in a safe manner on the narrow park roads. The term “e-bike” means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 mph).
E-bikes are allowed in Cedar Breaks National Monument where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited. A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23 and 4.30(h)(2)-(5). Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within Cedar Breaks National Monument is governed by State Law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited. Bicycles and E-bikes are prohibited on all trails in Cedar Breaks National Monument. Class of e-bikes allowed:
Section 4.31 HitchhikingHitchhiking is allowed only in established roadside pullouts.
Justification: It is occasionally necessary for park visitors to solicit transportation from others in order to reach their destinations and in order to complete hikes at Cedar Breaks National Monument. In order to provide for this transportation need and the safety considerations associated with hitchhiking, it will be allowed only in established roadside pullouts. |
Last updated: May 6, 2022