"What do Farms Mean to You?" Writing Prompt

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1 minute, 14 seconds

Join Park Ranger Lia, as she explores Connemara Farms. Farm activities were led by Mrs. Sandburg who raised dairy goats, chickens, pigs, and a large vegetable garden. Did you grow up on a farm, have family on a farm, work at a farm or even visit a farm? We invite you to write a short story or poem to answer “what do farms mean to you?"


Write Out (#writeout) is a free two-week event, organized as a series of online activities where educators, students, and the public are invited to explore national parks and other public spaces to connect and learn through place-based writing and sharing. The theme of this year’s event is Palettes, Storyboards, and Cadences and will run from October 10-24, 2021 which includes the National Day of Writing on October 20th.

Write Out is in its fourth year and is sponsored annually by the National Writing Project and the National Park Service.

Write Out encourages all participants to get outdoors, write, create, reflect, share, and connect with one another on and offline.

Sign up now to receive links and information to support your planning and participation; we will be sending available content and information in the late summer/early fall. Reach us at WriteOut – Place-Based Learning with the National Writing Project (nwp.org)

Last updated: September 9, 2021

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