Pile Burning and Prescribed Fires

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Date: April 6, 2010
Contact: Allen Farnsworth, 970-529-5049

Several brush piles and one prescribed fire are planned in parks of the Southeast Utah Group this spring.

A prescribed fire project is planned at Natural Bridges National Monument. Approximately 22 acres of brush piles are planned for ignition sometime in April depending on weather and fuel conditions. The objective of this burn is to complete the final phase of a fuelbreak construction project along the 4 mile stretch from State Highway 95 to the monument visitor center. This controlled burn operation should take 3-4 days to complete.

Brush pile burning is planned for both Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Burning is planned in Canyonlands National Park in Salt Wash and Horse Canyon south of the Needles Visitor Center. Within Arches National Park, piles will be burned in Winter Camp below Delicate Arch, and in Lost Spring Canyon in the northeast portion of the Park. The project should take 4-5 days to complete. Objectives of the burn are to eliminate tamarisk which were cut and piled in the past 3-7 years.

Fire managers want to emphasize that these controlled burn activities will only take place if and when optimum weather and smoke dispersal parameters are met. For further information concerning the planned prescribed fire activities, please contact Allen Farnsworth, Mesa Verde NP Fire Management Officer at 970-529-5049.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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