Seashore Updates
Several updates related to recreational activities
- Cape Point Update:
- Off-road vehicles (ORV) can now travel 0.71 miles south of ORV ramp 44.
- Beach walkers can walk south of Ramp 44, walk around the currently closed area, and connect with the southwestern boundary of the closed area, which is approximately 0.3 miles west of the tip of Cape Point. Beach walkers can also walk 1.2 miles east of the South Beach Road parking area. Access to South Beach Road through the Cape Point Campground has reopened.
- Only the tip of Cape Point remains temporarily closed due to a mixed tern (Least Tern and Black Skimmer) colony in various stages of nesting and chick-rearing. Staff monitor the area daily and will restore additional access when possible.
- The resource protection area at the tip of Cape Point is approximately a quarter mile in size. Seashore-wide, there are around 27 miles out of 29 miles to drive on and around 36 miles out of 38 miles available for beach walking.
- There continues to be standing water in areas of the park due to the significant rainfall the area received in July.
- Beware of hidden potholes on Lighthouse Road near the entrance to Cape Point Campground and off-road vehicle (ORV) ramp 44. Park staff will fill all potholes once the standing water is gone.
- There is approximately 3-8 inches of standing water in multiple areas on the Inside Road. ORV drivers should consider using the beach route between Ramps 48 and 49 until water levels go down.
- Camping in the Cape Point Campground is temporarily closed due to standing water. Staff will reopen the campground when possible. There are plenty of dry sites at Frisco Campground.
- Sea turtles continue to nest on Seashore beaches. Please use caution while driving and report any sightings (nesting, live, cold-stunned, dead, tangled, etc.) by calling 252-216-6892.
- Visitors can sign up for ocean safety text messages by texting “Join OBXBeachConditions” to 30890. The text messaging system is operated by Dare County with support from lifeguards and rescue squads operating on the Outer Banks.
Photo of the Week

Harpers Ferry Center volunteer lab assistant, Mick Feeser, restoring Surfboat 1046 (NPS/Patricia Owens)
Almost 100 years ago, on August 16, 1918, the surfmen of the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station risked their lives to save the lives of others.The British tanker Mirlo and its crew were engulfed in a raging inferno after being struck by a torpedo launched from a German submarine U-117. Without hesitation, the Chicamacomico lifesavers immediately gathered their gear and equipment and headed out to rescue the Mirlo crew in Surfboat 1046 (pictured above). Both the United States and Great Britain awarded Keeper John Allen Midgett and his surfmen medals for their gallantry.
In commemoration of this event and to honor the courageous lifesavers, Surfboat 1046 has been conserved by a team from Harpers Ferry Conservation Labs. Conservators Anne Ennes, Curtis Sullivan and Mick Feeser combed every inch of the vessel to meticulously repair and restore the boat to its 1918 appearance.
On August 16, 2018 (next Thursday!), an event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Mirlo rescue will be held at the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station in Rodanthe, NC. During the event, the Chicamacomico Drill Team will conduct the Beach Apparatus Drill followed by a ceremony that will include remarks by representatives of the U.S. Coast Guard, descendants of the crew and others, the laying of the wreath honoring the nine British seaman who perished that day, and a fly over by U.S. Coast Guard Station Elizabeth City. Go here for more details. For more pictures of Surfboat 1046, go to our photo album.
Upcoming Events
- Bodie Island Lighthouse Climbing
- Jul 28-Oct 8, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
- Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Climbing
- Jul 28-Oct 8, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
- Barrier Island Dynamics
- Aug 11-17, 10:30 am to 11:00 am (Hatteras Island Visitor Center Pavilion)
- Description: How do plants, wildlife, and people adapt to barrier island geologic change?
- Hurricane Alley
- Aug 11-12, 11:30 am - 12:00 pm (Hatteras Island Visitor Center Pavilion)
- Description: Hurricanes and nor'easters are a fact of life here. Learn how these powerful storms shaped the Outer Banks!
- Cape Hatteras Light Station Talk
- Aug 11-17, 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Hatteras Island Visitor Center Pavilion)
- Description: Discuss the details and history of this beautiful sentinel.
- Fish With A Ranger (Buxton)
- Aug 13, 8:00 am to 9:30 am
- Description: We have poles, but you MUST bring the bait! Limited to 15 participants. Pre-register in person at the Hatteras Island Museum (or call 252-475-9622) beginning the Saturday before the program. You can not pre-register via email or internet.
- Crabbing With A Ranger
- Aug 13 & Aug 15, 8:30 am to 10:00 am
- Description: Learn about crabbing. Limited to 25 participants. Pre-register in person at the Ocracoke Visitor Center starting the Saturday prior to the program. You can not pre-register over the phone, email or internet.
- Ocean Safety Training w/Hatteras Island Rescue Squad
- Aug 13, 9:00 am to 9:30 am (48103 NC-12, Buxton)
- Pirates!
- Aug 13, 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm & Aug 15, 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Ocracoke Visitor Center Amphitheater)
- Description: Yes, they were here! Learn about Blackbeard and others.
- Barrier Island Nature
- Aug 13, 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm & Aug 17, 2:30 to 3:00 pm (Ocracoke Visitor Center Amphitheater)
- Description: Join us for a talk about the wild side of the park.
- Ocracoke After Dark
- Aug 13, 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
- Description: Bring blankets and chairs for an evening of stargazing on the beach! Bring bug spray. Meet at the Ocracoke Day Use Area beach.
- Morning Bird Walk
- Aug 14, 8:00 am to 9:30 am (Meet at Fish Cleaning Tables Near Ramp 44)
- Description: Beginner and experienced birders alike can come explore beach and salt marsh bird habitats. Binoculars are available. Bring bug spray and sunscreen.
- Cast Netting (Ocracoke)
- Aug 14, 8:30 am to 10:00 am
- Description: Cast netting is one of the oldest forms of fishing. Pre-register in person at the Ocracoke Visitor Center the Saturday prior to program.
- All About Turtles (Hatteras Island)
- Aug 14-17, 11:30 am to 12:00 pm (Hatteras Island Visitor Center Pavilion)
- Description: Join us for an activity-based program on the life and times of the endangered sea turtle.
- Ocracoke History
- Aug 14, 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Ocracoke Visitor Center Amphitheater)
- Description: Learn about the island's rich history.
- War on Hatteras
- Aug 14-16, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm (Hatteras Island Visitor Center Pavilion)
- Description: Learn of three wars that impacted this island.
- Night Sky Over Hatteras
- Aug 14, 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm (ORV Ramp 43 parking lot)
- Description: Bring your blankets, chairs, bug spray, and telescopes for this evening of stargazing on the beach.
- Cast Netting (Hatteras Island)
- Aug 15, 9:30 am to 11:00 am
- Description: Casting a net from shore is one of the oldest methods of fishing. Pre-register in person at the Hatteras Island Museum beginning the Saturday prior to the program. You cannot pre-register over the phone, email, or internet.
- All About Turtles (Ocracoke Island)
- Aug 15, 10:30 am to 11:00 am & Aug 17, 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm (Ocracoke Visitor Center Amphitheater)
- Description: Activities especially for kids.
- Dark Skies & Stars
- Aug 15, 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm (ORV Ramp 25 parking lot)
- Description: Bring blankets, chairs, and telescopes for this evening of stargazing on the beach. Bring bug spray.
- Fish with a Ranger (Rodanthe)
- Aug 16, 8:30 am to 10:00 am
- Description: We have poles, but you must bring the bait. Limited to 15 participants. Pre-register in person at the Hatteras Island Museum (or call 252-475-9622) beginning the Saturday before the program. You cannot pre-register via email or internet.
- Banker Ponies
- Aug 16, 10:30 am to 10:50 am (Ocracoke Pony Pen)
- Description: Meet the ponies unique to Ocracoke! Bring bug spray.
- 100th Anniversary of the Mirlo Rescue Event
- Aug 16, 2:00 pm (Chicamacomico Lifesaving Station)
- Description: The Chicamacomico Drill Team will conduct the Beach Apparatus Drill followed by a ceremony that will include remarks by representatives of the U.S. Coast Guard, descendants of the crew and others, the laying of the wreath honoring the nine British seaman who perished that day, a fly over by U.S. Coast Guard Station Elizabeth City, concluding with a band concert. Go here for more details.
- Soundside Seining (Hatteras Island)
- Aug 17, 8:30 am to 10:00 am (Sandy Bay soundside parking lot)
- Description: Discover the wildlife wonders of the Pamlico Sound using seining nets. Water shoes that secure onto your feet are required: no flip flops or Crocs. Wear clothing you can get wet.
- Outer Banks Bird Walk (Ocracoke Island)
- Aug 17, 8:30 am to 10:00 am (Ferry parking lot, north end of island)
- Description: Meet winged residents and those traveling the Atlantic Flyway. Bring bug spray.
- Day at the Docks
- Sept 14-15 (Hatteras, NC)
- Description: Day at the Docks was started to celebrate the "Spirit of Hatteras" when the village recovered from Hurricane Isabel in 2003 as an intact community, anchored by the commercial and charter fishermen. Cape Hatteras National Seashore will be one of the many sponsors of this outstanding annual event. Go here for more details.
- Beach Cleanup Event
- Sept 22 (more details to be released via press release and social media)
- Description: The National Park Service and North Carolina Beach Buggy Association will partner in an event to clean up beaches along the Seashore.