TRT application

Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Logo
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

2022 Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Application (copy/paste information below)

To Apply: please e-mail your resume, cover letter and application to All applications must be submitted through email, and are due by Friday, May 13, 2022.

Applicant Name:
Home Address:
Home/Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Best method and time to contact you:

Applicant’s School Name:
School District/State:
School Address:
School Phone:
Grade level and subject(s) taught:

1. Do you teach at a Title I school? (please circle) No Yes If yes, what percentage of your students qualify for Free and Reduced-Price Lunches?

2. Can you commit to approximately 4-6 weeks of time (230-240 hours) during the summer season (June 12 - July 30)? (please circle) No Yes

3. Describe your most effective unit or lesson plan that actively engaged students in learning. Why was it successful?

4. Why do you want to participate in Teacher Ranger Teacher?

5. How will you use your TRT experience to enrich your classroom teaching and create opportunities for your students to connect to the National Park system?

6. How will you share information and skills acquired through this experience with your school and district colleagues?

7. Briefly describe your knowledge of and familiarity with Casa Grande Ruins and/or other national parks.

Please provide information for two professional references:

Reference 1:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Relationship to applicant:

Reference 2:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Relationship to applicant:

Last updated: April 30, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1100 W. Ruins Drive
Coolidge, AZ 85128


520 723-3172
General park contact number includes a phone tree for finding the employee you wish to contact. Callers may dial zero for the phone attendant. Voicemail is available for many of the extensions.

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