Contact: George E. Price, Jr., Superintendent , 508-957-0739
The Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission will be holding its three hundredth meeting on Monday, November 16th at the Seashore Headquarters, Wellfleet, MA.There will be a reception in recognition of the event to be held at 3 PM in the lobby of the seashore headquarters.There will be refreshments followed by remarks by Rich Delaney, Advisory Commission Chair, and George Price, Park Superintendent. Cape Cod National Seashore was the first unit of the National Park System to have a Federal Advisory Commission, which was established to advise the Superintendent and the National Park Service on policies, seashore development and business authorizations.The Commission includes representatives from all six Outer Cape towns and Barnstable County, and for the Governor of Massachusetts and the Secretary of the Interior.The Superintendent of the National Seashore serves as the Designated Federal Official. The Commission continues to be an important communication link between the National Seashore staff and the community.It is fitting we mark this anniversary and recognize the 54 years of its tenure, remembering all the representatives from Cape communities who have served to make the Commission an effective advisory body. |
Last updated: November 20, 2015