Contact: Craig Thatcher, Acting Chief Ranger, 508-349-3785 x 213 Contact: Carrie Phillips, Chief of Natural Resource Management, 508-349-3785 x 216
Cape Cod National Seashore Superintendent George Price has announced that the three beach access points to the off-road vehicle (ORV) corridor that are usually available this time of year, are closed to protect piping plovers. However, to maintain some vehicle access, in accordance with the park’s 2007 ORV Environmental Assessment, the seashore will open a section of the ORV corridor at Coast Guard Beach in Truro to 24-hour access for ORV operators with current ORV permits. The piping plover is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. These closures occur while unfledged nestlings are present. This ORV closure does not affect pedestrian access to the ORV Corridor, nor does it affect access to the seashore’s six swimming beaches. In addition, ORV permits will be honored for free entrance at Herring Cove, Race Point and Head of the Meadow beaches for the duration of this “near” closure. Additional accommodations are available for self-contained vehicles. These closures are temporary, and will last only until plover broods fledge or move a safe distance from vehicle access points. Up-to-date oversand corridor information is available 24-hours a day on a message line that can be accessed by calling (508) 487 - 3698. As soon as sections of the corridor reopen the message line will be updated. The ORV office may be called during business hours at (508) 487 – 4165. The seashore website also has the current status of the corridor that can be accessed at Click on “Current ORV Route Map.” For more information, please contact Craig Thatcher, Acting Chief Ranger, at 508-349-3785 x 213, or Carrie Phillips, Chief of Natural Resource Management, at 508-349-3785 x 216. ###
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Last updated: February 26, 2015